Annual Photo Contest Now Taking Submissions
2019 Contest Runs Through Aug. 31

2018 Photo Contest Grand Prize Winner, “Little Blue Heron Ready to Pounce” by Kevin Moore
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources is now accepting entries for its annual photo contest. Photographers, novice or professional, can enter for the chance to win cash and other great prizes.
Winning entries will be posted online, featured in an issue of the seasonal Maryland Natural Resource magazine, and placed in the 2020 wall calendar.
More than 4,300 photos were submitted by more than 800 photographers in the 2018 contest, shattering last year’s record of 1,500 photos. Photographers from more than 16 states, including California, Florida, New York and Ohio entered the contest.
Entries can include images from anywhere in Maryland featuring birds, fauna, flora, insects, natural phenomena, outdoor recreation, scenic landscapes, weather or wildlife. Judges will choose first, second and third place winners for each season; from among the first-prize winners, an overall grand prize winner will be awarded. Social media users will also be able to select a “Fan Favorite” via the department’s Facebook page.
Photographers may submit up to three entries for $10 with additional entries (no limit) at $3 each between now and Aug. 31. All photos must be original and unpublished. The contest is open to residents and visitors alike, but only photos of Maryland will qualify to win.
The best overall photo receives a grand prize of $500 cash, a one-year Maryland State Park and Trail Passport, a complimentary five-year magazine subscription and five copies of the 2020 calendar. First, second and third place winners also receive prizes.