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Preseason Trout Stocking Begins in December

Over 300,000 Fish Being Raised for Stocking

Photo of trout being stocked into streamThe Maryland Department of Natural Resources will begin preseason stocking for the spring 2018 trout season as early as the end of December.

The early trout stocking will now include several impoundments that will receive their annual allotments in a single stocking, which will provide greater fishing opportunities for anglers throughout the winter season.

“Preseason and spring stocking is an exciting time for anglers across the state,” Fishing and Boating Services Director Dave Blazer said. “With hundreds of thousands of trout being released, this provides a unique angling experience for anyone at any level.”

Department staff at the Albert Powell, Bear Creek and Mettiki hatcheries are raising about 308,000 brown, golden and rainbow trout for the upcoming spring season. More than 130 sites are scheduled to be stocked. Among them, weekly stocking will occur at Antietam Creek, Bear Creek, Lake Artemesia and South Branch Patapsco River at River Road.

The stocking schedule and daily updates are available online. Printed versions of the schedule are available at the department’s regional service centers and license agents. Anglers can also receive stocking notifications and updates via email or by calling 800-688-3467.

The trout stocking program is funded by the sale of nontidal fishing licenses, trout stamps and Federal Sport Fish Restoration Program funds.
