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Nineteen New Rangers Join the Ranks of the Maryland Park Service

Diverse Group Graduated from Ranger School Nov. 10

Group of Newly Graduated Maryland State Park Rangers

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources is pleased to welcome a new group of Maryland Park Service rangers. The 19 graduated Nov. 10 from Maryland Park Service Ranger School, which took place at New Germany State Park in Garrett County.

Photo of park ranger instruction

During the four-week training, the students learned educational techniques, interpretive skills, management procedures and public safety tactics while mastering the maintenance, protection and stewardship of our shared natural resources.

2017 Maryland Park Ranger School graduates (alphabetical order):

Last Name First Name
Bartko  Brooke
Bronson  Charles
Brown  Alexander
Bruce  Zachary
Dale  Chaney
Evans  Brian
Graves  Felicia
Lewis  Daniel
Lombardi  Andrew
Morris  Tyler
Rubin  Madalen
Shaneyfelt  Chad
Shillingburg  Tony
Smith  Edward
Smith  Shelby
Stevens  Sarah
Todd  Chris
Toscana  Manuel
Venarchick  Stephanie

Photo of Maryland Park Ranger School training.

Each new ranger is now ready to take up a post in one of our network of 72 state parks.
