Anne Arundel County Student Wins Annual Arbor Day Poster Contest

1st Place: Leonardo Perez-Alfaro of Glen Burnie
The Department of Natural Resources today announced the winners of the 2016 Maryland Arbor Day poster contest open to fifth-graders across the state. The top three contestants were chosen from more than 500, who submitted art showcasing the importance of trees in urban environments as per this year’s theme, Trees are Terrific… in Cities and Towns. The grand prize went to Leonardo Perez-Alfaro of Freetown Elementary School in Glen Burnie.
“The talent and creativity demonstrated by these young minds is extraordinary,” Natural Resources Secretary Mark Belton said. “I want to thank all of the artists who helped share the important role trees play in our cities and communities, such as providing shade, filtering runoff and beautifying our neighborhoods. Congratulations to all the winners!”
The annual poster contest, open to fifth grade students across the state, was sponsored by the Maryland Forest Service in partnership with the Maryland Forest Conservancy District Boards, the Maryland Urban and Community Forestry Council, and the National Arbor Day Foundation.
Statewide winners:
1st Place: Leonardo Perez-Alfaro of Freetown Elementary in Anne Arundel County
2nd Place: Amora Altmon of St. John the Evangelist in Prince George’s County
3rd Place: Jothika Saravanarajan of Gunpowder Elementary in Baltimore County
Runners-up by county (based on participation):
Carroll County: MacKenzic Bennett of Charles Carroll Elementary
Garrett County: Gracie Owens of Broad Ford Elementary
Harford County: Ariana Shannon of Magnolia Elementary
Howard County: Suler Lu of Manor Woods Elementary
Kent County: Joseph Shaw of Galena Elementary
Queen Anne’s County: Mairin Hussey of Matapeake Elementary
Somerset County: Chloe Aurelio of Princess Anne Elementary
Talbot County: Alondra Moreno-Santana of Chapel District Elementary
Washington County: Kelton Bullock of Smithsburg Elementary