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Second Youth Waterfowl Hunting Day Announced

 Youth Waterfowl HuntingYoung Maryland hunters can hone their skills with the help of an experienced adult during the Youth Waterfowl Hunt Day set for Feb. 6. On this date, adults may take youth, 15 years of age or younger, to public and private land to experience the joy of hunting ducks, geese, mergansers and coots.

“The youth day is a great opportunity to teach young hunters about our amazing natural  resources,” Department of Natural Resources Wildlife and Heritage Service Director Paul Peditto said.  “As always, we encourage all participants – adults and youth – to use caution when boating and hunting and to remind them to wear life jackets when out on the water.”

All hunters must have completed a hunter education course (except those exempted) and possess a valid Maryland hunting license. Youth waterfowl hunters must also purchase a Maryland Migratory Game Bird Stamp, but do not need to purchase a federal duck stamp if under 16 years of age.

Adults may take more than one young person on the hunt. The adult can help by calling waterfowl, placing decoys and retrieving downed birds, but may not possess a firearm or other hunting device.

The bag limits for the Youth Waterfowl Hunting Days are the same as the regular seasons except:

  • One black duck may be taken;

Licenses, stamps and permits may be purchased online, by phone at 855-855-3906, at a Natural Resources Service Center or at any one of the more than 250 Sport License Agents statewide.

Hunters with questions may contact the Natural Resources Wildlife and Heritage Service at 410-260-8540.
