Keep Maryland Beautiful Grants Available for Environmental Action and Education

2015 grant recipient, Youghiogheny River Watershed Assoc. assessing brook trout populations with Northern Garrett High School students.
The Maryland Environmental Trust is now accepting applications for grants through the “Keep Maryland Beautiful” program to help volunteer-based, nonprofit groups and communities develop environmental education projects and solve natural resource issues.The trust is offering two types of grants through the program:
Margaret Rosch Jones Award: Up to $2,000 is awarded to nonprofit groups or communities for an ongoing project or activity that has demonstrated success in solving an environmental or natural resource issue. The award recognizes those organizations that actively educate people in their community on litter prevention, community beautification, or local or state environmental issues. It is named after Margaret Jones, the first executive director of the “Keep Maryland Beautiful” program.
Bill James Environmental Grants: Up to $1,000 grants are awarded to school groups, ecology and science clubs, and other nonprofit youth groups for proposed environmental education projects. The award seeks to encourage a sense of stewardship and personal responsibility for the environment, facilitate a better understanding of environmental issues, aid in the elimination or reduction of a local environmental issue, and support conservation and environmental education. The grants are named after William S. James, who drafted legislation to create the Maryland Environmental Trust.
For an application or more information, visit the trust’s website. Completed applications must be received by March 31, 2016.