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Grants Available to Reduce Runoff in Maryland

TrustFundPreserve10.15The Maryland Department of Natural Resources is seeking proposals from local governments and non-governmental organizations that will help reduce stormwater runoff in targeted areas. Funding will be awarded to the most effective projects through the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Trust Fund.

“The trust fund is an innovative approach to Chesapeake Bay restoration that supports the most cost-effective, efficient projects aimed at improving our environment and water quality,” Natural Resources Secretary Mark Belton said. “In addition to drastically reducing the amount of polluted runoff entering our waterways, the projects have restored more than 300 acres of wetlands while engaging more than 32,000 students since the program began in 2009.”

The application materials are available here. Applicants must submit a letter of intent by Jan. 15 and full proposals by March 31.

The trust fund has provided nearly $300 million for nonpoint source pollution projects across Maryland, which have prevented an estimated three million pounds of nitrogen from entering state waterways and ultimately, the bay. From tree plantings to floating wetlands, more than 1,900 Chesapeake and coastal bay restoration projects have been funded through the program.

Visit the trust fund restoration map to view past projects and click here to see projects chosen for fiscal year 2016.


