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Funding Available to Help Communities Respond to Coastal Hazards

Local governments are encouraged to apply for CoastSmart Communities Grant funding through the state to improve their ability to respond to coastal hazards such as sea level rise, flooding and storm surge.

Made possible by a partnership between the Maryland Department of Natural Resources and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, CoastSmart Communities grants provide financial and technical assistance to local governments to reduce their region’s coastal hazard risk and vulnerability. Since the impacts of coastal hazards are most dramatically experienced at the local level, it is critical local areas take the necessary actions to prepare.

Applicants may choose to submit a CoastSmart grant application under one of three areas: assessment of vulnerability and risk; creation of an adaptation response plan; or implementation and monitoring of the plan. Projects under all phases should help communities more clearly communicate the risks associated with coastal hazards to better protect citizens, infrastructure and natural resources.

This grant complements the broader ongoing efforts of the CoastSmart Communities program, which provides tools and resources to support local governments in their efforts to be increasingly ready, adaptive and resilient.

Since 2008, DNR’s Chesapeake and Coastal Service has supported more than 50 state-local government partnership efforts throughout the coastal zone, and has awarded more than $600,000 to support projects in six coastal counties and 19 municipalities.

For example, the Chesapeake and Coastal Service helped Baltimore City complete a joint hazard mitigation/climate adaptation plan and develop an associated outreach program. Additionally, with assistance, Calvert County was able to develop small area flood mitigation plans for their most vulnerable communities, and complete an application that gained them acceptance into the National Flood Insurance Program’s Community Rating System.

Applications are due by March 13, 2015 at 11:59 p.m. For more information, including project examples and grant requirements, or to apply, visit Questions should be directed to CoastSmart Communities Planner Kate Skaggs at or 410-260-8743.
