Artistic Fifth-Graders Invited to Show Appreciation for Trees
Arbor Day Poster Contest Entries Can Win Tree Plantings

2016 Arbor Day poster contest First Prize entry, submitted by Leonardo Perez-Alfaro of Freetown Elementary School in Anne Arundel County.
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources and Forest Conservancy District Boards invites all Maryland fifth-graders to participate in the annual Arbor Day Poster Contest.
The theme for 2017 is “Trees Are Terrific…and Energy Wise!” All entries need to be delivered to a state forest service office by Feb. 24.
Fifth-grade students in private and public schools are encouraged to share their appreciation for Maryland’s forests and trees through original works of art. Poster sizes must be no smaller than 8.5 by 11 inches and no larger than 22 by 28 inches. They must be drawn in marker, crayon, paint pens, watercolor, ink, acrylic, regular or colored pencil or tempera paint.
Posters will be judged on a county level and then submitted to the Maryland Urban and Community Forestry Committee to compete at the statewide level.
The department will then choose the top three winning posters to receive tree plantings at the artists’ schools ─ first place will win 15 trees; second place will receive 10; and third place will get five. Teachers will be notified by March 24.
Poster contest questions or comments may be directed to Anne Gilbert at 410-260-8510.