Grants Available to Aid Maritime Municipalities and Counties
Maryland to Preserve and Revitalize Working Waterfronts

Photo credit Eugene Byers
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources is seeking proposals from local governments looking to invigorate their waterfront economies. Municipalities and counties in the coastal zone are eligible to apply for these one-year grants through the department’s Working Waterfronts Program.
“The prosperity of marine-dependent businesses is vital to maintaining Maryland’s rich maritime culture, economy and identity,” Natural Resources Secretary Mark Belton said. “With these grants, we aim to promote and protect these defining characteristics by providing the necessary assistance to our coastal communities.”
Now in its second year, the Working Waterfronts Program provides financial and technical support to protect existing and historic waterfront communities in Maryland. Ideal proposals will target waterfront land planning, comprehensive plans, maritime zoning, codes and ordinances, and develop new programs. Applicants are encouraged to address public access, maritime heritage, tourism, recreation, and conservation, while taking into account potential weather-related impacts.
Last year, the department chose Rock Hall, the city of Annapolis, and Talbot County as grant recipients. With the assistance, Rock Hall is creating a plan for Rock Hall Harbor to address public access, commercial fishing, recreation, tourism and coastal hazards. Talbot County is creating master plans for Tilghman Island and Bellvue Village, which include expanding waterfront access to help retain and expand businesses. Annapolis is developing an awareness program to assist maritime businesses with marketing, and is planning an economic summit to unite state and local governments, and marine-based businesses.
Total requests may not exceed $60,000; matching funds are not required. Application deadline is June 17. For more information or to submit a proposal, click here.