Maryland Works to Preserve and Revitalize Working Waterfronts
Grants Available to Municipalities and Counties

Cambridge Creek; Photo by Graham Slaughter
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is seeking proposals from local governments designed to protect and invigorate coastal communities and waterfront economies. Municipalities and counties in the coastal zone are eligible to apply for these one-year National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association grants through DNR’s Working Waterfronts Program.
The Working Waterfronts Program provides financial and technical assistance to local governments to promote and aid the preservation of existing and historic working waterfronts in Maryland, including cities and towns that provide access to the water and related activities such as fishing, boating and the marine trades.
“We look forward to working with local governments through this new and exciting program to support Maryland’s waterfront communities,” Kelly Collins, DNR coastal planner said. “The goal of these unique grants is to provide the necessary financial aid to tackle longstanding issues such as public access.”
Ideal project proposals will target the development of new or existing waterfront land, comprehensive plans, maritime zoning, codes, ordinances and programs. Applicants are encouraged to address public access, maritime heritage, tourism, recreation, and natural resources conservation and/or restoration, while taking into account potential flooding and storm surge impacts.
Submit proposals through the grant management service at: Total requests may not exceed $75,000. No matching funds required. Application deadline is Oct. 30, 2015.
Maryland’s coastal zone includes the following counties and municipalities located within: Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Baltimore City, Calvert, Caroline, Cecil, Charles, Dorchester, Harford, Kent, Prince George’s, Queen Anne’s, Talbot, Somerset, St. Mary’s, Wicomico and Worcester.