Organization: units, logos, social media, & MDNG Style Guide
Request Public Affairs Support
AR 360-1, Chap. 5, Section 8:
d. The PA is authorized to take news-related photographs only. Using PA resources to take photographs for promotion boards, ceremonies, changes of command, or social events that are not newsworthy is inappropriate.
Coordinate with your Unit Public Affairs Representative to support those missions.
Contact us if you don’t know or don’t have a UPAR. ( or 410-576-6179)
Unit Public Affairs Representative (UPAR) Support
Tell your unit’s story through photos, videos, and writing. Get your unit publicity and get yourself published in Maryland National Guard media. Contact us if you don’t know or don’t have a Unit Public Affairs Representative. ( or 410-576-6179)
UPAR Submission Form
UPAR Training Material:Letter from the PAO
UPAR Training
UPAR Handbook
UPAR Additional Duty Order (CAC enabled)
Hometown News Release Form (Online)
Newsletter Template
NGB 360-5 Public Affairs Guidelines
DoD Visual Information Style Guide
AR 360-1 Army Public Affairs
FM 3-61 Public Affairs Operations
Basic UPAR Camera Kit
Military Terms Dictionary
Social Media Guidelines
For clarity and social media training contact us at or 410-576-6179.
Maryland Military Department Social Media Policy
- Elements at all levels, departments, major subordinate commands, wings, and individual units are encouraged to participate in social media.
- Content posted will not be political or discriminatory and will not endorse, appear to endorse or show favoritism to, non-federal entities. Content or views posted on official sites must reflect U.S. Government policy and may not appear to endorse views contrary to such policy.
- State Public Affairs Office will monitor all sites and may require modification and/or removal of content posted in violation of appropriate OPSEC/Information Assurance regulations or policy.
- You can always submit content directly to PAO to post on the unit page.
- Ultimately the commander is responsible or what’s on the site. Make a request for a new a social media page and register someone designated to post on social media.
Three steps to success to have a Winning Social Media Site
- Make the MDNG PAO a Facebook admin using this email address
- Find your unit/section on the approved social media page list at the bottom of this page.
- Is your unit/section there? Register a representative.
- You are designating this person to manage your unit/section’s social media.
- Unit/section not there and you want to start a social media page? Request a new site.
- Is your unit/section there? Register a representative.
- You’re done! The MDNG Public Affairs Office will take care of the rest.
Properly maintaining a social media presence while growing and engaging an audience, is a lot of work. Many sections feel that a social media page is a good idea not understanding the work needed to frequently post relevant and timely content. People may be interested in your unit/section and will be discouraged from engaging with your page due to it not being frequently updated. If you don’t care, they wouldn’t care. A better option than having 20 people follow your page or the last post being from 2011 is to send content to the Public Affairs Office for them to post. The MDNG PAO can make recommendations to your leadership and can help you get the page started.
Each new and currently established site requires making the MDNG PAO an administrator and all other personnel will be made editors. Editors and the MDNG PAO will ensure access to the site if any changes are required. Page Roles on Facebook. For other social media outlets, contact the PAO. or 410-576-6179
Responding to messages from the public is the editor’s responsibility. Only the MDNG PAO will respond to threats, hate speech. Stay in your lane and talk on what you know, your expertise. Messages on upper echelon issues should be referred to the MDNG PAO. The MDNG PAO will setup a language filter that automatically hides comments containing certain words. Sites are family friendly and editors may hide, comments that violate the terms of the page listed in the about section. The terms of the page will be provided/setup by the MDNG PAO and customized to your organization.
Each unit’s site must have an appointed representative on record with the PAO. This representative can be the Unit Public Affairs Representative (resources at the top of this page), readiness NCO, first sergeant, unit commander, etc. Multiple people, full-time personnel, and senior leaders work well too. Contact us at or 410-576-6179.
To prevent the site from being unmanaged or defunct unit sites will allow admin access to the MDNG PAO. The PAO may post content on the page but will not maintain the site on the unit or section’s behalf. Each site must be a component of official public affairs activities and clearly identifiable through use of official logos (listed below), a standardized user statement, etc.
The minimum is a graphic (photos and/or video) with a basic caption. The caption to go with a photo or video should explain the WHO/WHAT/WHEN/WHERE/(WHY/HOW) of the event. The use of hashtags and tagging (using @) to tag another page or the installation, city, and or county of the event is encouraged
Example: (WHO) #CitizenSoldiers of A Co., 1st Bn., 175th Inf. Regt., (WHAT) prepare for night land navigation (WHEN) on June 3, 2017, during our 2017 annual training (WHERE)at @US Army Fort Benning.
This post contains all the needed information for the MDNG PAO to clean up and share on the MDNG page for more visibility. The MDNG PAO will not share posts that have errors in it, no matter how good it is. With the MDNG PAO as an admin, we can tweak it to make it usable for a wider audience.
- In-use Hashtags, within the caption or at the end: #MDGuard, #CitizenSoldiers, #MDArmyGuard, #MDAirGuard, #MDNG, #MDDF, #MEMA, #MDMilitary, #NationalGuard, #MDChalleNGeLife
- Longform MDNG Specific: #MarylandGuard, #MarylandNationalGuard, #MarylandMilitary, #MarylandArmyNationalGuard, #MarylandArmyGuard, #MarylandAirNationalGuard, #MarylandAirGuard,
- Generic: #ArmyGuard, #ArmyNationalGuard, #AirGuard, #AirNationalGuard, #ArmyStrong, #Soldiers, #Airmen, #ArmyForLife,
- Special Hash tags: #BestWarriorCompetition, #SupportTheTroops, #MarylandStatePartnershipProgram
Maryland National Guard Public Affairs Style Guide

Purpose: This guide provides a standard method of writing for MD Guard products. This publication will help all personnel involved in the creation of official MD Guard products to write and edit captions and article that are accurate, clear, concise and meet AP, DoD, and MDNG PA style standards.
active duty: Lowercase on all references. Hyphenate as an adjective (an active-duty soldier), but not as a noun (he served on active duty).
airborne: Uppercase only when used as part of an official unit designation (101st Airborne Division) or when used as part of a school name (the Airborne School). The abbreviation is Abn.
activate, inactivate: Army units do not deactivate or reactivate; they inactivate or activate.
airborne infantry, parachute infantry: These designations have not been official for many years; do not use them.
airmen: Do not capitalize
ampersand (&): Do not use in text unless part of a title.
armed forces: Capitalize only as a proper name (Armed Forces Day), not as a noun (the armed forces) or adjective (an armed-forces member).
Army Aviation Support Facility: Is the Ruth Army Aviation Maintenance Facility in honor of CW4 William R. Ruth. Located at Weide Army Airfield, Edgewood Arsenal of Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md.
Army regulation: Lowercase regulation when used alone, uppercase if followed by the number, and use as AR on second reference with number.
ATAG – Army: Maryland Army National Guard land component commander OR army commander
ATAG – Air: Assistant adjutant general – air
byline: Capitalize “By” in the byline e.g.: By Maryland National Guard Public Affairs Office.
Camp Fretterd Military Reservation:
CFMR: Camp Fretterd Military Reservation is not technically in Reisterstown, Md. It is near Reisterstown, Md. – north of it. It is acceptable to use Reisterstown as it’s city location.
casualty: If used to refer to simulated injuries inflicted during a training exercise, use in quotes on first reference. The same rule applies to “dead,” “shot,” “wounded,” “destroyed,” etc. If they didn’t actually occur, they belong in quotes on first reference.
citizen-soldier: hyphenate and do not capitalize
country names: On first reference, the name of every foreign city will be followed by the spelled-out name of the nation in which it is located (e.g., Worms, Germany).
cross-training: Hyphenate.
downlink (and uplink): When meant to describe the transmission of data to or from a satellite, use “transmit.”
Edgewood: MDNG units are on the Edgewood Arsenal of Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. On first reference write Edgewood Arsenal of Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. afterwards Edgewood is fine.
fort: It is always spelled out; never use “Ft.” When listing a series of posts, use “Fort” before each applicable installation (e.g., Fort Belvoir, Va.; Fort Bragg, N.C.).
headline capitalization: Use sentence case and capitalize only proper nouns
Humvee: When referring to a high-mobility, multipurpose wheeled vehicle (HMMWV), Humvee is acceptable on first reference; the word is capitalized. It is not necessary to spell out the entire term or use the abbreviation. However, the abbreviation can be used in keywords.
keywords: Do not put creator’s name, unit, vision ID; release or classification status in the keywords/tags.
lower 3rd titles: Abbreviations are acceptable if space is a concern, must be consistent throughout video
Marines, marine: Uppercase when referring to the branch of service (the Marine Corps, a Marine helicopter), but lowercase when referring to individual service members (soldier, sailor, marine).
military equipment: Hyphenate all designations except those of American tracked armored vehicles (e.g., Russian T-72, M-16 and F-15, but M1A1 and M113).
military rank: Always refer to soldiers by rank, not pay grade (e.g., sergeant or Sgt., not E-5).
National Guard: Can stand alone in uppercase as “Guard” on second reference. Use “National Guard members” instead of “Guardsmen” or “Guard soldiers.”
noncommissioned officer
on duty/off duty: Same usage as “active duty”; hyphenate only as adjectives (on-duty responsibilities; off-duty activities, but “He plays in a band when he’s off duty;” “When she’s on duty, she’s totally focused.”).
overwatch: This is a tactical term and should only be used in the tactical sense (e.g., “the M1A1s were in an overwatch position” is OK; “the personnel office has overwatch authority on transfers” is not).
phonetic alphabet: Unless it is part of a direct quote, do not use spelled-out versions of phonetic pronunciations (e.g., Charlie Company, Alpha Battery, etc). Use C Co., Battery A, etc.
ranger: Uppercase only when used as part of an official unit designation (75th Ranger Regiment) or when used as part of a school name (the Ranger School).
SEL: Senior enlisted leader of the Maryland National Guard is the enlisted advisor for the TAG
soldier: Do not capitalize (nor family or airmen). Follow The Associated Press Stylebook and Libel Manual as its general guide. We recommend it for regular reference. Exceptions to that work, as well as some Army-specific terminology not covered there, are presented in the following style guide.
ship names: The names of commercial and naval vessels of any size or nationality will always be italicized (USS Theodore Roosevelt, USNS Comfort), though the prefixes USS (for a United States Navy vessel) or USNS (for an auxiliary/MTMC-type vessel) will always be plain text.
slant marks [/]: “And” is preferable in all cases (“PX and commissary,” instead of PX/commissary).
special forces: Uppercase only when part of an official unit designation (7th Special Forces Group; but “he is special forces qualified”).
state abbreviations: Use AP style in text, but two-letter post-office style in addresses used in text. In text, state abbreviation is always followed by a comma (e.g., in Seattle, Wash., the…) except use a semicolon in a series.
TAG: The adjutant general’s title should be written NAME, the adjutant general of Maryland, …
Brevet Rank: Use RANK (MD) NAME only when TAG is not in Maryland e.g. Maj. Gen. (MD)
titles (magazine): Do not italicize or put quotes around the names of magazines.
titles (job): Uppercase a person’s job title only if it immediately precedes the name.
unit designations: Use full unit designation on first reference (3rd Battalion, 2nd Infantry Regiment). Shorten on subsequent references (3rd Bn., 2nd Inf. Regt.). Avoid “3rd of the 2nd” or “3-2” or “3/2.” It is A Co., Battery B, and A Troop. You can use parenthetical designations [e.g., (Separate), (Mechanized), etc.] even though they are not official.
unit designation punctuation: Set off each designation element with commas, whether element is spelled out or abbreviated (the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Infantry, was…)
vehicles:Humvee or high-mobility, multipurpose wheeled vehicle, never HMWWV or Hummer.
verb tense: Use past tense for quotes (“Jones said,” not “Jones says”). Use present tense for captions (“trains with,” not “trained with”).
video captions: all videos should include a caption containing the 5 Ws (who, what, when, where, why/how) written in AP Style
vision ID: Changed slightly. Instead of an A (Army branch of service) it’s Z (National Guard).
Warfield Air National Guard Base: Is located in Middle River, Md.
Army (as in Fifth Army): write out Corps – write out Division – Div. Brigade – Bde. Regiment – Regt. Battalion – Bn. Squadron – Sqdn. Company – Co. Battery – Btry. Platoon – Plt. Detachment – Det. Group – Grp. Troop – write out Command – Cmd. Task Force – TF (if followed by number or name. Hyphenate if used with a number; e.g., TF-111.) Major Subordinate Command – MSC Army National Guard – ARNG Air National Guard – ANG Brigade Engineer Battalion – BEB Headquarters & Headquarters Company – HHC Headquarters & Headquarters Detachment – HHD Regional Training Institute – RTI Infantry Division – ID Special Operations – SO Military Intelligence – MI |
Medical – Med. Aviation – Avn. Regiment – Regt. Infantry – Inf. Chemical – Chem. Engineer – Eng. Quartermaster – QM Maintenance – Maint. Judge Advocate General – JAG Information Operations – IO Public Affairs Office – PAO Armored – Armd. Cavalry – Cav. Field Artillery – FA Air Defense Artillery – ADA Division Artillery – DIVARTY Special Forces Group: SFG Mountain (as in 10th Mountain Div.) – Mtn. Counterintelligence/Human Intelligence – CI & HUMINT Collection & Exploitation – C&E Tactical Unmanned Aerial Systems – TUAS Armored Cavalry Regiment – ACR |
Reference: DoD Captioning Style Guide 11 JUL 16
Units in the Maryland National Guard & MDDF
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175th Wing (TW; IG; YT; DVIDS) | ||
@@@@ | @@@ | 175th Operations Group (175th Ops. Grp.) |
@@@ | 104th Fighter Squadron (104th Fighter Squad.) 175th Operations Support Flight (175th Ops. Supt. Flight) |
175th Maintenance Group (175th Maint. Grp.) | |||
175th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron (175th Aircraft Maint. Squad.) 175th Maintenance Squadron (175th Maint. Squad.) 175th Maintenance Operations Flight (175th Maint. Ops. Flight) |
175th Cyberspace Operations Group (175th Cyberspace Ops. Grp.) | |||
175th Cyberspace Operations Squadron (175th Cyberspace Ops. Squad.) 275th Cyberspace Operations Squadron (275th Cyberspace Ops. Squad.) 275th Operations Support Squadron (275th Cyberspace Supt. Squad.) 276th Cyberspace Operations Squadron (276th Cyberspace Ops. Squad.) |
175th Medical Group (175th Med. Grp.) 175th Mission Support Group (175th Mission Supt. Grp.) |
175th Civil Engineer Squadron (175th Civil Eng. Squad.) 175th Communications Squadron (175th Comm. Squad.) 175th Force Support Squadron (175th Force Supt. Squad.) 175th Logistics Readiness Squadron (175th Log. Readiness. Squad.) 175th Security Forces Squadron (175th Sec. Forces Squad.) |
135th Intelligence Squadron (135th Intel. Squad.) 235th Civil Engineer Flight (235th Civil. Eng. Flight) |
Joint Force Headquarters Maryland
29th Combat Aviation Brigade
58th Expeditionary Military Intelligence Brigade
58th Troop Command
70th Regiment (Leadership)
Maryland Defense Force
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Joint Force Headquarters Maryland (JFHQ MD) | |||
@@@@ | 32nd Civil Support Team (32nd CST) | |||
@@@ | Medical Detachment (Med. Det.) | |||
Recruiting and Retention Battalion (R&R Bn.) | ||||
229th JAG Trial Defense Team | ||||
169th Cyber Protection Team (169th CPT) |
29th Combat Aviation Brigade
58th Expeditionary Military Intelligence Brigade
58th Troop Command
70th Regiment (Leadership)
Maryland Defense Force
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29th Combat Aviation Brigade (29th CAB) | ||
@@@@ | HHC, 29th Combat Avn. Bde. (HHC, 29th CAB) | ||
1100th Theater Avn. Sustainment Maint. Group (1100th TASMG) | |||
@@@ | C Co., 1204th Network Support Company, 1204th Aviation Support Battalion (C Co., 1204th NSC)
C Co., 248th Avn. Support Bn. Military Intelligence Det. 1, D Co., 278th Brigade Engineer Battalion (MI Det. 1, D Co., 278 BEB) ***This unit was formerly A Co., Det. 1, 278th Armored Cavalry Regiment (Tactical Unmanned Aerial Systems) |
1st Battalion, 224th Aviation Regiment (Security and Support) (1-224th Avn. Regt. (S&S)) | |||
HHC, 1-224th Avn. Regt.
A Co., 1-224th Avn. Regt. B Co., 3rd General Support Aviation Battalion (Lift), 126th Aviation Regiment B Co., 3-126th GSAB (Lift) |
@@@ | Det. 1, HHC, 3-126th GSAB (Lift)
Det. 1, D Co., 3-126th GSAB (Lift) Det. 1, E Co., 3-126th GSAB (Lift) |
C Co., 1-169th GSAB (MEDEVAC) | |||
Det. 3, HHC, 1-169th GSAB (MEDEVAC)
Det. 3, D Co., 1-169th GSAB (MEDEVAC) Det. 3, E Co., 1-169th GSAB (MEDEVAC) |
C Co., 2nd Assault Helicopter Battalion, 224th Aviation Regiment
C Co., 2-224th AHB |
Det. 1, HHC, 2-224th AHB
Det. 1, D Co., 2-224th AHB Det. 1, E Co., 2-224th AHB |
F Co., 1st Battalion, 111th General Support Aviation Battalion (Air Traffic Services)
F Co., 1-111th GSAB (ATS) |
Det. 4, E Co., 1-111th GSAB (ATS) | |||
Det. 2, B Co., 642nd Avn. Support Bn. | |||
Det. 2, C Co., 2d Bn., 641st Avn. Regt.
Det. 13 (Operational Support Airlift Command) 1297th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion (1297th CSSB) |
HHD, 1297th CSSB
29th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment (29th MPAD) 224th Medical Company Area Support (224th MCAS) 104th Medical Company Area Support (104th MCAS) 1729th Maintenance Company (1729th Maint. Co.) |
Det. 1, 1729th Maint. Co. | |||
1229th Transportation Co. (1229th Trans. Co.) | |||
Det. 1, 1229th Trans. Co. | |||
729th Quartermaster Composite Supply Company (729th, QM Composite Supply Co) | |||
Det. 1, 729th QM Composite Supply Co. |
58th Expeditionary Military Intelligence Brigade
58th Troop Command
70th Regiment (Leadership)
Maryland Defense Force
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58th Expeditionary Military Intelligence Brigade (58th EMIB) | |||
@@@@ | HHC, 58th EMIB (HHC, 58th EMIB) | |||
@@@ | 629th Expeditionary Military Intelligence Battalion (629th EMIBn.) | |||
@@@ | HHD, 629th MI Bn. Military Intelligence Company Collection & Exploitation (C&E) Counterintelligence/Human Intelligence Company (C&I) 629th Military Intelligence Company (629th MI Co.) |
629th Network Support Company (629th NSC) | ||||
110th Information Operations Battalion (110th IO Bn.) B Co., 2nd Battalion, 20th Special Forces Group (B Co., 20th SF Grp.) Special Operations Detachment OTAN (SOD-O) |
Headquarters, 29th Infantry Division Detachment | ||||
Det. 1, Headquarters Support Company, 29th Inf. Div. (Det. 1, HSC, 29th Inf. Div.) | ||||
@@@ Det. 1, A Co. (OPS), 29th Inf. Div. | ||||
B Co., Intelligence and Sustainment Company, 29th Inf. Div. (B Co., I&S Co., 29th Inf. Div.) | ||||
@@@ Det. 1, B Co., I&S Co., 29th Inf. Div. | ||||
C Co. (Signal), 29th Inf. Div. |
58th Troop Command
70th Regiment (Leadership)
Maryland Defense Force
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58th Troop Command (58th Troop Cmd. -OR- 58th TC) | |||
@@@@ | HHC, 115th Military Police Battalion (HHC, 115th MP Bn.) | |||
@@@ | 200th Military Police Company (200th MP Co.) | |||
290th Military Police Company (290th MP Co.) | ||||
@@@ | Det. 1, 290th MP Co. |
29th Military Police Company (29th MP Co.) | ||||
Det. 1, 29th MP Co. | ||||
1st Battalion, 175th Infantry Regiment (1-175th Inf. Regt.) | ||||
HHC, 1-175 Inf. Regt. | ||||
A Co., 1-175 Inf. Regt. | ||||
B Co., 1-175 Inf. Regt. | ||||
C Co., 1-175 Inf. Regt. | ||||
D Co., 1-175 Inf. Regt. | ||||
@@@ | Det. 1, D Co., 1-175 Inf. Regt. | |||
F Co., 128th Brigade Support Battalion (F Co., 128th Bde. Spt. Bn. -OR- F Co., 128th BSB) | ||||
581st Troop Command (581st Troop Cmd. -OR- 581st TC) | ||||
244th Engineer Company (244th Eng. Co.) | ||||
Det. 1, 244th Eng. Co. | ||||
243rd Engineer Support Platoon (243rd Eng. Spt. Plt.) | ||||
253rd Engineer Company (253rd Eng. Co.) | ||||
231st Chemical Company (231st Chem. Co.) | ||||
229th Army Band | ||||
291st Digital Liaison Detachment (291st DLD) |
70th Regiment (Leadership)
Maryland Defense Force
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HQ, 70th Regt. (Leadership) (70th Regt. (LDR)) | |||
@@@@ | @@@ | 1st Battalion, Officer Candidate School (MDNG OCS) | ||
@@@ | 2nd Battalion, 20th Special Forces Augmentation Det. (2-20th SF Augmentation Det.) |
2nd Battalion, General Studies |
Maryland Defense Force (MDDF) | ||||
@@@@ | 121st Engineer Regiment (121st Eng. Regt., MDDF) | |||
@@@ | 104th Medical Regiment (104th Med. Regt., MDDF) | |||
Maryland Defense Force Band (MDDF Band) |