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Estonian Air Force pilots deploy with Maryland National Guard

Estonian Air Force pilots deploy with Maryland National Guard
Pilots with the Estonian Air Force, who have been assigned to the Maryland National Guard for the past year, deployed from Weide Army Airfield in Edgewood, Md., Aug. 24.
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Maryland National Guard Trains Estonian Air Force Pilots for Deployment

Maryland National Guard Trains Estonian Air Force Pilots for Deployment
Pilots with the Estonian Air Force have been training with the Maryland Army National Guard, learning to fly rotary wing aircraft and preparing for deployment with the unit.
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MD-HART conducts Operation: Real Deal

MD-HART conducts Operation: Real Deal
More than 50 members from the Maryland Helicopter Aquatic Rescue Team conducted an all hazard helicopter and swift water rescue operation on Wednesday, Aug. 1, at several locations in Baltimore County.
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Md. Operation: Military Kids brings children of service members together

Md. Operation: Military Kids brings children of service members together
The Maryland Operation: Military Kids hosted its annual summer get-away camp for children with military parents at the Western Maryland 4-H Education Center in Swanton, Md., July 22-28.
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Maryland Defense Force supports Operation: Safekeeping

Maryland Defense Force supports  Operation: Safekeeping
The Maryland Defense Force answered the call for help from the Maryland Emergency Management Agency to conduct health and welfare checks on residents in Baltimore, July 7, for those who were affected by the heat wave and power outages during the first week of July.
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Sailabration, Baltimore: War of 1812 Bicentennial

Sailabration, Baltimore: War of 1812 Bicentennial
For more than 30 years following the American Revolution, the nations of western Europe treated the U.S. like an annoying younger sibling. Though Great Britain and much of the continent were embroiled in the prolonged Napoleonic Wars, some (like Great Britain) still found time to harass the upstart across the Atlantic. British ships continually interfered with American trade vessels, and ...
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MDDF Chaplain Awarded the Order of Chaplain O’Grady Award

MDDF Chaplain Awarded the Order of Chaplain O’Grady Award
A Maryland Defense Force chaplain was presented with The Order of Chaplain (Capt.) Eugene P. O’Grady Award during a ceremony at the Chaplain Eugene P. O’Grady Chapel on Camp Fretterd Military Reservation near Reisterstown, Md., Feb. 29.
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Fitness Center renamed in honor of Fallen Warrior

Fitness Center renamed in honor of Fallen Warrior
The Maryland National Guard dedicated the Fitness Center on Camp Fretterd Military Reservation to Maj. Robert J. Marchanti II on Sept. 6, 2014. Marchanti was killed in action in Kabul, Afghanistan while supporting Operation Enduring Freedom on Feb. 25, 2012.
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MDNG Members Jump in Honor of Fallen Soldier

MDNG Members Jump in Honor of Fallen Soldier
Soldiers from the Maryland National Guard conducted a non-tactical jump from a C-27J aircraft Feb. 4, in Little Orleans, Md., to honor a fallen Maryland National Guard member.
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Maryland ANG Ready to Assist in Major Disaster

Maryland ANG Ready to Assist in Major Disaster
The Maryland Air National Guard recently received and trained on new equipment that allows them to be more prepared to assist local communities in the event of a natural or man-made disaster at home.
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