Behind the Uniform: Spc. Anthony Constantine
Spc. Anthony Constantine, military police
Spc. Anthony Constantine, a military police with the 290th Military Police Company, who has served four years in the military.
Why did you join the MDNG?
“Actually, it sounds lame, but for a long time I was playing a battlefield game and I kept getting all the recruiting ads. I was just thinking to myself it’d be cool to join one day. Then I never knew there was a National Guard until my mom told me about it. So I was like, yeah, so I’ll try out for it. So, I just went to the recruiting office near me in Salisbury and signed up.”
How does it feel to work in the community?
“Oh it’s nice, I really enjoy it actually. I’m glad I joined, especially the last few years with the COVID missions. I just feel like we were actually doing something important, helping out with the testing sites and distributing vaccines. I actually like the orders better than just drill.”
What part of your training has prepared you the most for COVID missions?
“I guess just military police training. A lot of it is just dealing with people and dealing with the public. Military police training is usually dealing with people who are difficult to deal with, but the people that we’ve been helping out with all the missions have been kind. Also, during the COVID missions we got a lot of public affairs training too.”
What is your favorite part of being a soldier?
“I guess just being part of a team, before I really didn’t have that as much. I didn’t really have a big family either in my personal life. It’s nice making a lot of friends here, a lot of connections.”
How has it been balancing military service and family time during the past few years?
“It’s been fine, I guess depends on the person because before I was in school. It was pretty easy to drop everything and go on orders and just do school online. Now I have a full-time job so it’s a little trickier, but my job’s been pretty nice about it”
How has serving during COVID impacted/changed you as a soldier?
“It makes me take it more seriously. When you’re just doing drill, it kind of gets boring and I’m like ‘what are we doing this training for?’. Then you get on orders and you’re like, ‘Oh, this is why we’ve been doing all this stuff.”
What has been the greatest reward serving during COVID?
“I guess just knowing we are doing something important. When I’m on orders, I actually feel like I’m doing something with my life, impacting the community.”
What is the next thing for you after this mission is over?
“Just go back to school, hopefully switch to a different career field. I’m actually trying to get into Officer Candidate School but I still need a few more credits before I’m eligible.”