Boss Lift Shows Employers the Ropes
By Capt. Ben Hughes

ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Md. – Employers of Maryland Army National Guard members experienced first-hand what it is like to be a citizen-Soldier during an Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Boss Lift event at Weide Army Heliport, November 4, 2022.
Employers took part in orientation flights in UH-60 Black Hawk and CH-47 Chinook helicopters flown by Soldiers with the 29th Combat Aviation Brigade.
They also rode in up-armored vehicles, familiarized themselves with various weapons systems and learned combat medical care at the Lauderick Creek Training Site.
The purpose of the event was to help employers understand what National Guard and Reserve employees do during drill weekends and annual training.
“This is our first [Boss Lift] in many years, so it’s an opportunity to let employers know our unique mission with the ESGR and it’s also a nice way to recognize employers for the support of the Guard and Reserve that work for them,” said Dr. Stephen Maguire, state chair for Maryland ESGR.
During briefing about the ESGR, a Department of Defense office, the employers learned about reemployment rights of the military reservists after training, deployments, or other tours of duty.
During the pandemic, thousands of Maryland National Guard members were activated to serve the community.
“Employers have been without their employees for the last two and a half years as they have been doing [COVID-19 support] missions for the National Guard,” said Brig. Gen. Janeen L. Birckhead, commander of the Maryland Army National Guard. “And I think that they wanted to come and see what their Soldiers were doing and the contributions they’ve been making to the United States and Maryland.”
ESGR wants to develop and strengthen employer support for Guard and Reserve service through outreach opportunities like Boss Lifts, said Maguire.
“We definitely appreciate the employers that came out and we want to recognize their support,” said Maguire. “We feel very strongly that the word will spread throughout the state’s thousands of companies.”
The employers were given certificates and thanked by Maryland Army National Guard leadership and ESGR volunteers.
“I appreciate all our support partners throughout Maryland and the region,” said Birckhead. “We can’t do it without [our employers] and our Soldiers need them.”