Maryland State Police Arrest Man For Sexual Solicitation Of Minor, Child Pornography Possession In Prince George’s County
(BRANDYWINE, MD) – Maryland State Police arrested a man Tuesday on various child sex charges in Prince George’s County
Derrell L. Hooker Orange, 34, of Brandywine, Maryland, is charged with one count of sexual solicitation of a minor and six counts of possession of child pornography. He was taken to Prince George’s County Central Booking for processing.
According to a preliminary investigation initiated by Homeland Security Investigations, Hooker Orange engaged in online and cellphone conversations with a 12-year-old female with the goal of soliciting a sexual encounter with the minor. The victim and the suspect exchanged nude photos of themselves during their interactions.
At about 6:05 a.m. on Tuesday, Maryland State Police, along with other members of the Maryland Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force to include Homeland Security Investigations and the Prince George’s County Police Department served a search warrant on Hooker Orange’s residence. A preliminary forensic review of the suspect’s electronic devices revealed multiple child pornography files. Maryland State Troopers arrested the suspect at the scene and will continue the ongoing investigation.
The Maryland State Police Computer Crimes Unit coordinates the Maryland Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force. This is a combined law enforcement effort involving police departments across Maryland that is made possible in part due to grant funds provided by the Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention, Youth and Victim Services and by a federal grant from the U.S. Department of Justice. Task force investigators focus on identifying those involved in child pornography via the Internet and other related crimes that victimize children.
Derrell L. Hooker Orange
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