Notice Re: State Police Efforts To Reduce Exposure For Employees And Citizens
(PIKESVILLE, MD) – In compliance with the Executive Orders of Governor Larry Hogan and as a partner in the state’s ongoing efforts to reduce exposure to COVID-19, steps have been taken by the Maryland State Police to reduce the potential of exposure to our employees and to the citizens we serve.
Public safety services provided by the Maryland State Police are continuing. However, there have been modifications made to how some of those services are provided. They include the following:
CALLS FOR SERVICE: In addition to the information routinely obtained during a 911 call or other request for police service, callers will be asked additional questions that include: Do you, or anyone with you, have a fever? Do you, or anyone with you, have difficulty breathing or shortness of breath? Do you, or anyone with you, have a cough?
If the answer is yes to those questions, or anytime a trooper responds to a scene suspected to be associated with COVID-19, the information will be relayed to the duty officer who will ensure all troopers responding to the scene put on the personal protective equipment they carry. Contact will also be made with emergency medical services for assistance, if possible.
When possible, contact with all victims, witnesses or suspects will be made outside of the home or building in order to reduce exposure. If possible, a distance of six feet from all persons will be maintained.
Persons should not be offended if troopers maintain their distance or have protective equipment on during the encounter. Precautions are being taken to protect our employees and our citizens.
TELEPHONE REPORTING: Troopers will take reports by telephone from incidents including the following: malicious destruction of property, theft, tampering with a vehicle, attempted vehicle theft, credit or debit card theft, telephone misuse, trespassing (not in progress).
Troopers will continue to respond and will not take a report via telephone if: the incident is in-progress, the suspect is still on scene, in the vicinity, or the potential for immediate arrest exists, there is any injury or the likelihood for injury exists, an identifiable suspect exists, or there is physical evidence.
ACCESS TO BARRACKS: Citizens are asked to limit any personal visits to a barrack to emergency issues or situations absolutely necessary. Upon arrival, they will see signs posted at the entrance notifying them that if they are sick, they are not to enter the barrack. For those who do enter, screening questions may be asked by the duty officer.
Anyone planning to visit a State Police barrack for a safety equipment repair order verification should delay that visit. The state of emergency declaration has suspended the due date of repair orders until 60 days after the state of emergency has been lifted.
MARYLAND STATE POLICE LICENSING DIVISION: The Maryland State Police Licensing Division at 1111 Reisterstown Road, Pikesville, is closed to the public for walk-in service. The Licensing Division remains open and will continue to serve the citizens of Maryland and process all applications and requests in accordance with statutory and regulatory requirements. Applications not electronically submitted should continue to be submitted via the US Postal Service or by a commercial postal service.
For those insisting on submitting their application(s) in person, a temporary mail drop box is available outside of the Licensing Division, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8 am and 3 pm.
Assistance from the Licensing Division may be obtained at the following email addresses:
Firearms Registration (Firearm Purchases) Unit: msp.firearmsregistration@maryland.gov
Handgun Qualification License Unit: msp.hql@maryland.gov
Handgun Permit Unit: msp.handgunpermits@maryland.gov
Security Services (Guard) Unit: msp.securityguard@maryland.gov
Security Services (Private Detective) Unit: msp.privatedetective@maryland.gov
Police & Security Systems (Special Police / Railroad Police) Unit: msp.specialrailroadpolice@maryland.gov
Police & Security Systems (Security Systems) Unit: msp.securitysystems@maryland.gov
You may also reach the Licensing Division by telephone: 410-653-4500
Maryland Regulated Firearm Dealers may continue to contact the Licensing Division via the Livehelp Now feature within their Licensing Portal.
Until further notice, assistance with safety equipment repair orders, or related services by ASED personnel has been suspended. These services will not be taking place at any of the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration branches.
For those individuals seeking to become Maryland safety inspectors, all inspection mechanic tests have been suspended until further notice. At this time, the MVA is not allowing testing to take place within their facilities. If anyone has already signed up to take an inspection mechanics test, the receipt will be honored once restrictions have been lifted and we are allowed to test again.
If you have any questions about these changes, please reach out to your assigned ASED investigator. You can also email the ASED at: msp.ased@maryland.gov. If you have questions about a safety equipment repair order, please email: msp.sero@maryland.gov.
Pursuant to the state of emergency declaration, the Forensic Sciences Division made certain staffing reductions, but does remain open and continues to serve the citizens of Maryland and provide forensic services to our law enforcement partners across our state.
All Forensic Sciences Division services are still available. Crime scene technicians are responding to crime scenes and forensic scientists are analyzing cases. Casework is still being accepted and released by appointment at each of our three laboratories located in Pikesville, Berlin, and Hagerstown.
Please be aware that the availability of appointments for the submission and retrieval of evidence is currently limited due to our reduced staffing. We appreciate your flexibility in scheduling appointments.
The Central Receiving Unit in Pikesville can be reached at msp.cru@maryland.gov.
If Forensic Sciences Division operations must change in the future due to escalating COVID-19 concerns, a message will be distributed to all of our customers advising them of the changes. If you have a specific question about submissions or casework, please reach out via email to the appropriate unit as you normally would.