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Maryland State Board of Education Hosts Meeting Tuesday, July 27


CONTACT:, 410-767-0486

Maryland State Board of Education Hosts Meeting
Tuesday, July 27

 In-person Meetings Restored at Nancy S. Grasmick State Education Building

BALTIMORE, MD (July 23, 2021) – The Maryland State Board of Education will meet on Tuesday, July 27, 2021 at the Maryland State Department of Education, 200 W. Baltimore Street in the 7th floor State Board Room. After hosting the last series of meetings in a hybrid format, the Board is restoring full in-person meetings, open to the public. Following pre-pandemic procedures, the meeting will also be available for viewing via livestream.

The Tuesday, July 27th meeting will feature public comment and discussions on several key 2020-2021 State Board of Education priorities, including fourth term performance metrics, local school system summer programming and the Maryland Plan for the American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund. The agenda and livestream are available at:

Public comment can be provided during this meeting according to the guidelines for in-person participation located at the link:

Members of the public will have the opportunity to provide public comment in person only. Registration is limited to 10 individuals and is first come, first served. Once the 10 person maximum is reached additional individuals may be placed on a waiting list.

Registration for public comment opens the week prior to the Board meeting date and ends at 3 p.m. on Monday, July 26th. Interested individuals can register by calling the Office of the State Board of Education at 410-767-0467 and leaving a message, or by emailing your request to Confirmed registrants for public comment will be notified. Comments are limited to three minutes per speaker and monitored by staff.

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MSBE Board Meeting 07.27.21
