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Dr. Salmon Recognized for Elevating State’s Education Program and Focus on Equity and Rigorous Standards throughout 45 Year Career, Five Years as State Superintendent of Schools

BALTIMORE, MD (June 22, 2021) – Today the Maryland State Board of Education celebrated the outstanding achievements of State Superintendent of Schools Karen B. Salmon, Ph.D., honoring her leadership, dedication and Karen B. Salmon, Ph. D. State Superintendent of Schoolscommitment to education equity and excellence in a career spanning 45 years. In 2016 at the beginning of her term leading the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE), Superintendent Dr. Salmon articulated her vision to streamline programs and provide a shared vision for educational excellence with a student-first focus. During her five-year tenure, Maryland public schools ushered in a new era of inclusive success marked by the creation of the State’s first education equity regulations; increased focus on Black and traditionally under-presented student participation in Advanced Placement courses; Advanced Placement Exam scores of 3 or higher above the national average; expansion of Charter schools and CTE programs, as well as an overall emphasis on access to technology, and emotional and social support.

“On behalf of the State of Maryland, I thank Dr. Salmon for her inspired, forthright, and dedicated leadership. From the classroom to the role of State Superintendent, she has always made it her mission to put students first,” said Governor Larry Hogan. “Dr. Salmon’s steady and tireless guidance for Maryland education through the turbulence of the Covid-19 pandemic has helped pave the road to recovery for school systems, child care communities and the entire State. Today we honor and commemorate her more than 40 years of service to the children of Maryland as an educator and a true pioneer in prioritizing equitable opportunities, implementing rigorous career and college-ready standards and leading our nationally renowned education system in which we take such pride.”

Dr. Salmon graciously agreed to an additional year after her four-year term to help shepherd the State through the challenge of the coronavirus pandemic. During this time she: launched a continuity of learning plan to help schools and students transition to online learning; developed the Recovery Plan for Reopening Schools, one of the first of its kind in the country; established the Essential Personnel Child Care Program; spearheaded the effort to provide emergency meals to students across the State and allocated more than $3.2 billion of State and Federal emergency funds. Providing continued direction as Maryland emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Salmon formed monitoring teams to support local school system response to learning loss, and initiated a new system of regional mental health crisis centers to support overall student wellbeing.

“Dr. Salmon’s experience and commitment to Maryland students has been evident in all of her work over the past five years. She has been a champion of equity and excellence in all Maryland schools, and her tenure has left the State of Maryland more equipped than ever to meet the diverse needs of students, educators, staff, parents, and stakeholders across the State,” said Board President Clarence C. Crawford. “Dr. Salmon has carried Maryland’s education system forward, and we will continue to use that momentum into the future as we strive to provide every child a world-class education.”

“It has been an incredible honor to lead the Maryland State Department of Education over the past five years, particularly during this unprecedented time marked by the COVID-19 pandemic that proved the resilience and strength our of education system,” said Dr. Karen B. Salmon. “Our efforts to improve accountability of local school systems, maintain high-caliber learning throughout the pandemic, and increase student achievement — all through the lens of educational equity — have seen incredible success, and I am proud of the entire State of Maryland for reaching these goals. With gratitude to Governor Hogan, the State Board of Education, MSDE, and every student, parent, educator, and stakeholder, I thank you all for entrusting me to lead Maryland’s education system, and I look forward to watching the State continue to grow as a leader in education.”

Among Dr. Salmon’s top accomplishments is a forward-thinking focus on process improvement and accountability. She positioned the agency for better success with a new regionalized approach for effective outreach to local school systems; created a Research Department within MSDE to analyze education outcomes and ensure progress on objectives and goals; and launched the new Maryland Report Card to provide parents and stakeholders more information about individual Maryland schools.

Other major achievements include: developing the Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program (MCAP) to better measure student achievement; commissioning the High School Graduation Task Force to review graduation requirements and recommend changes; publishing “Equity and Excellence: A Guide to Educational Equity in Maryland” to combat injustices in education; and prioritizing the mental health of students and staff at all times, but especially throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

Other key highlights from Dr. Salmon’s term include: expanding Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs and Pathways in Technology Early College High Schools (P-TECH); improving graduation rates for students with disabilities by 7.5%; developing a process to evaluate English Language Arts and mathematics curricula in every school district; writing a Root Cause Analysis Facilitator Guide to uncover core causes of school performance problems; initiating TEACH Maryland!, a new educator certification system; securing a $21 million competitive grant for new charter schools; and developing online tools to help identify gifted and talented students. These accomplishments are detailed in the publication: Building Bridges for a Better Future. (

Dr. Salmon has deep ties to the Maryland education system. Her career in education was inspired by her mother, also a Maryland educator, and Dr. Salmon herself attended Harford County Public Schools and ultimately earned both her master’s in special education and her doctorate in special education and administration from the University of Maryland. Dr. Salmon went on to serve as a teacher and assistant principal in Caroline County, and later became the superintendent of Talbot County Public Schools. In July 2016, Dr. Salmon was appointed as Maryland State Superintendent of Schools.

Throughout her career in education, Dr. Salmon has been named Maryland’s 2012 Superintendent of the Year, a 2017 Daily Record Influential Marylander in Education and a member of the 2021 Power 100 List, and more. She has served on numerous commissions and workgroups on governmental affairs, including chairing the Interagency School Construction Commission and the School Safety Subcabinet. This June, Dr. Salmon was presented with a citation from Governor Larry Hogan honoring her work as Superintendent. Dr. Karen B. Salmon will retire June 30, 2021.

“It is with an unending passion for education equity, access to technology, and student health and achievement that Dr. Salmon has tirelessly served Maryland’s students for the past 45 years undoubtably building bridges to a bright future,” said Board President Crawford. “The Board wishes Dr. Salmon all the best in her retirement.” 

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Press Release Board Honors Dr. Salmon Accomplishments 6_22_21

