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Maryland State Board of Education and Maryland State Department of Education Hosts Career and Technical Education Virtual Roundtable, February 17


CONTACT:  Lora Rakowski,

Maryland State Board of Education and Maryland State Department of Education Hosts Career and Technical Education Virtual Roundtable, February 17 

Join the Conversation and Share Your Ideas about Education That Works During CTE Month! 

BALTIMORE, MD (February 16, 2022) – The Maryland State Board of Education (State Board) and the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) are hosting a Career and Technical Education Roundtable on February 17, 2022 from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. EST. The roundtable will be live streamed via YouTube ( ) where viewers can join the discussion through live comments.

National Career and Technical Education month is celebrated every February. The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future envisions Career and Technical Education (CTE) that provides the opportunity for students to engage in career programs of study that: are aligned to high-skill, high-wage, and in-demand careers; lead to earning industry-recognized credentials or college credits; and provide work-based learning experiences. The goal is to prepare students for immediate entry into the workforce or college.  

This roundtable will provide State Board members and MSDE staff the opportunity to hear from students, educators, businesses, workforce development providers, community colleges, and community organizations on what is working well, what can be better, and innovative ideas for CTE. The discussion will focus on CTE coursework, apprenticeships and industry credentials.  

All Marylanders are encouraged to view the YouTube live stream and join in a live chat to engage with the roundtable. This engagement along with the roundtable discussion will be used to inform the development of the Strategic Plan. Excellent and equitable education opportunities for current Maryland students will provide a strong future workforce. Join this important conversation and make your voice count! 

The State Board and MSDE also invite all Maryland residents to shape the future of our schools by completing the Maryland Public Schools Strategic Planning Survey. Public input will guide the development of a multi-year strategic plan and ensure every student in Maryland has excellent and equitable educational opportunities that help them realize their full potential. The survey, in English, Spanish, French, Urdu, Korean, Arabic, Vietnamese and Chinese is available here:

Additionally, all stakeholders are invited to share their thoughts for future engagement opportunities at:
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CTE Roundtable Press Release 2.16.22
