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Maryland State Board of Education to Host Virtual Town Halls on State Superintendent Search


Zach Hands, 410-767-0467

Maryland State Board of Education to Host Virtual Town Halls on State Superintendent Search


BALTIMORE, MD (January 8, 2024) The Maryland State Board of Education will host a series of virtual town halls to obtain feedback from families, educators, administrators and community members  on the State Superintendent of Schools selection process.

The town halls will be conducted by executive search firm Hazard, Young and Attea (HYA)  via Zoom on the following dates:

Tuesday, January 16 – 9 a.m.
Wednesday, January 17 – 1 p.m.
Thursday, January 18 – 6 p.m.

This outreach will help to inform the State Board on the leadership qualities and attributes that Marylanders identify as critical for the role of State Superintendent. 

Dr. Jack Smith, former Interim State Superintendent of Schools and former Montgomery County Public Schools Superintendent, will facilitate the town halls on behalf of HYA and the State Board. More information on the State Superintendent search process and the Zoom links to join the town halls can be found here.

For those unable to attend the town halls, this survey is available to share thoughts on the next State Superintendent, whose term will begin July 1 and continue through June 30, 2028. 

The State Board will continue to seek public input throughout the search process and will provide regular updates through the Maryland State Department of Education and State Board websites.


