Maryland State Board and Department of Education Recognize 2022-2023 Teachers of the Year
CONTACT: Lora Rakowski, 410-767-0486
Maryland State Board and Department of Education
Recognize 2022-2023 Teachers of the Year
Local Teachers of the Year Selected by and Represent All 24 Maryland Education Agencies; Cohort Features Educators for Grade Levels
Pre-Kindergarten through High School
BALTIMORE, MD (May 24, 2022) – The Maryland State Board of Education and State Superintendent of Schools Mohammed Choudhury joined the newly selected 2022-2023 Teachers of the Year in a special recognition at the Maryland State Department of Education today. The teachers were selected by and represent each local education agency in Maryland. With this prestigious designation, the teachers will form a cohort that will work together to support equity and excellence in education and address critical policy issues over the next year.
“Congratulations to each of our Teachers of the Year – you represent the great teachers of Maryland, who inspire, lead and engage our children every day,” said Governor Larry Hogan. “Our teachers are on the front-line everyday supporting our children and families, and too often do not receive the recognition they deserve. The Maryland Teacher of the Year program provides an opportunity to celebrate their meaningful work and commitment. I could not be prouder of our teachers’ skill, perseverance, ingenuity, and compassion.”
The 24 educators were selected by their school systems for outstanding commitment to education, equity, and community leadership. The cohort represents grade levels from pre-kindergarten through high school and teach in a variety of subject areas including Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, Science, Engineering, Computer Science, and Visual Arts.
“Every day all of our educators make a difference by going above and beyond expectations to ensure our students receive high-quality educational and positive learning,” said State Board of Education President Clarence C. Crawford. “On behalf of the Maryland State Board of Education, I extend sincere congratulations and appreciation to all Teacher of the Year honorees. You are to be commended for your exceptional dedication and service, as well as your perseverance in assisting our students in academics, as well as enhancement of their social and emotional well-being.
“Our State’s teachers are professionals who dedicate themselves to nurturing, mentoring and educating our children. They are essential to the fabric of our communities, our State, and our nation,” said State Superintendent of Schools Mohammed Choudhury. “We know that teacher quality and effectiveness is the most important school-based factor impacting student learning. Our Maryland Teachers of the Year distinguish themselves by setting an unparalleled benchmark for public service, creativity, and love of learning. As a cohort, they will help lead us forward as we implement the Blueprint and ensure every Maryland child has access to an excellent and meaningful education.”
The local winners will compete for the title of Maryland Teacher of the Year, which will be announced this fall. The individual selected as Maryland Teacher of the Year will also compete with all the other state winners across the country for the title of National Teacher of the Year.
The mission of the Maryland Teacher of the Year Program is to honor, promote, and celebrate excellence in the teaching profession. The program helps recognize the invaluable contributions of all classroom teachers, who help Maryland children flourish and grow.
Teachers of the Year from Each County and Baltimore City
Allegany County Public Schools
Amy Rice, Cash Valley Elementary School, Grade 2
Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Charles Whittaker, Center of Applied Technology North, HVAC Instructor, Grades 9-12
Baltimore City Public Schools
Berol Dewdney, The Commodore John Rodgers School, Pre-Kindergarten
Baltimore County Public Schools
Alicia Amaral Freeman, Franklin Elementary School, ESOL, Grades K-5
Calvert County Public Schools
Rachael Ulmer, Huntingtown High School, English, Grades 9-12
Caroline County Public Schools
Mirta Valdes-Bradner, North Caroline High School, 1-4 & AP Spanish, Grades 9-12
Carroll County Public Schools
Erica McAndrew, Spring Garden Elementary School, Grade 1
Cecil County Public Schools
Nadeline Fleischer-Pile, Perryville Elementary School, English Language Arts, Grade 4
Charles County Public Schools
Morghan Hungerford, Arthur Middleton Elementary School, Grade 2
Dorchester County Public Schools
Philip Sham Albert, North Dorchester High School, Project Lead the Way Engineering and
Mathematics, Grades 9-12
Frederick County Public Schools
Jonathan Kurtz, Governor Thomas Johnson High School, Music, Grades 9-12
Garrett County Public Schools
Amy Beeman, Southern Middle School, Science, Grade 6
Harford County Public Schools
Ashley Gereli, Churchville Elementary School, Special Education, Grades K-5
Howard County Public Schools
Jorden Lim, Long Reach High School, Mathematics, Grade 9
Kent County Public Schools
Karen Carty, Kent County Middle School, Science, Grade 7
Montgomery County Public Schools
Johnathan Dunn, Sherwood High School, General/Choral Music, Grades 9-12
Prince George’s County Public Schools
Evelyn Policarpio, Benjamin Tasker Middle School, Math Grade 8
Queen Anne’s County Public Schools
Cassandra Hosler, Churchill Elementary School and Sudlersville Elementary School, Art, Grades Pre-K – 4
St. Mary’s County Public Schools
Melissa Kiernan, Leonardtown High School, Special Education/English, Grades 9-12
Somerset County Public Schools
Jennifer Carey, Carter G. Woodson Elementary School, Grade 1
Talbot County Public Schools
Katherine Spies, Easton Elementary School, Kindergarten
Washington County Public Schools
Elizabeth McDonald, Washington County Technical High School, Biomedical Science,
Grades 11 & 12
Wicomico County Public Schools
Rebecca Mathews, Wicomico High School, Science Grades 9-12
Worcester County Public Schools
Kristin Cashman, Pocomoke High School, English, Grades 9-12
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5.24.22 Teachers of the Year Press Release