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Maryland Department of the Environment

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Maryland poised to meet clean air standards

Media contact: Jay Apperson 410-537-3003 BALTIMORE, MD (August 31, 2015) – A new federal proposal rewards Maryland for continued improvements in air quality — gains that position Maryland to meet standards for the pollutant ground level ozone throughout the state for the first time. The proposal, from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, is based  Read the Rest…

EPA Releases Report on Maryland Agriculture Programs

Release Date: 08/31/2015 Contact Information: David Sternberg (215) 814-5548 (PHILADELPHIA – August 31, 2015) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced today it has completed an evaluation of Maryland’s animal agriculture regulations and programs. The assessment, which is one of six that the agency is conducting of state animal agriculture programs within the Chesapeake Bay  Read the Rest…

Board of Public Works approves funding for clean water and water conservation

MEDIA CONTACT: Jay Apperson 410-537-3003 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:   BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS APPROVES FUNDING FOR CLEAN WATER AND WATER CONSERVATION Grants to support cleanup of Western Maryland rivers affected by “acid mine drainage,” replacement of pipes in leak-prone water system BALTIMORE, MD (Sept. 3, 2014) – The Maryland Board of Public Works approved  Read the Rest…

Baltimore Sun: Howard County banks on rain gardens to raise awareness of stormwater management

Although he was a German major in college, these days Peter Bulka is shoveling dirt to build rain gardens. His colleague, Dave Gondoun, is planning to study cyber security when he starts classes at Howard Community College this fall. But whatever they end up doing, both men, and many of the other participants in the  Read the Rest…

Grants available for watershed restoration projects

The Chesapeake Bay Trust, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, and the Maryland Department of the Environment welcome requests for the Watershed Assistance – Two-Year Milestone Support grant program. This program will support design assistance, watershed planning and programmatic development associated with protection and restoration programs and projects that lead to improved water quality in  Read the Rest…

There will be no exceptions made to Maryland’s stormwater legislation

By Robert M. Summers Secretary Maryland Department of the Environment   There has been a lot of discussion over the last few months in the press and the MD Legislature about Maryland’s stormwater legislation and whether or not it is reasonable to expect property owners to pay to help their county governments put in  Read the Rest…

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