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Maryland Department of the Environment

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EPA to Host Conference Call on Proposed Addition of Bear Creek Sediments Site to Superfund National Priorities List

EPA to Host Conference Call on Proposed Addition of Bear Creek Sediments Site to Superfund National Priorities List PHILADELPHIA (Oct. 7, 2021) – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will host a conference call on Wednesday, Oct. 13, at 6:00 p.m., to provide an opportunity for the public to ask questions about the recently proposed listing  Read the Rest…

Board of Public Works approves funding for clean water and the Chesapeake Bay

Board of Public Works approves funding for clean water and the Chesapeake Bay Grants and loans will reduce pollution, improve drinking water system BALTIMORE (October 6, 2021) – The Maryland Board of Public Works approved more than $2.6 million in grants and loans today to reduce water pollution and improve a drinking water system. The  Read the Rest…

Intentional Balloon Releases Banned in Maryland

Intentional Balloon Releases Banned in Maryland New state law will reduce plastic pollution that degrades waterways and threatens animal life BALTIMORE (Sept. 30, 2021) The Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) and Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) remind Marylanders that a new state law that prohibits intentional balloon releases takes effect tomorrow. The new  Read the Rest…

Dept. of the Environment announces clean water initiatives at Valley Proteins facility

DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT ANNOUNCES CLEAN WATER INITIATIVES AT VALLEY PROTEINS FACILITY MDE releases draft discharge permit with significantly stronger requirements, pursues enforcement action with financial penalty for alleged environmental violations BALTIMORE (Sept. 15, 2021) – The Maryland Department of the Environment today released a draft permit that would require significant water quality improvements from  Read the Rest…

Board of Public Works approves funding to improve drinking water system

Board of Public Works approves funding to improve drinking water system BALTIMORE (Sept. 15, 2021) – The Maryland Board of Public Works approved more than $2.8 million in funding today to improve a drinking water system in Allegany County. The Board is composed of Governor Larry Hogan, Treasurer Nancy K. Kopp and Comptroller Peter Franchot.  Read the Rest…

MDE Seeks Lost Lead Paint Test Tool Containing Small Amounts of Radioactive Material

Maryland Department of the Environment Seeks Lost Lead Paint Test Tool Containing Small Amounts of Radioactive Material Device last seen at job site on the corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and Laurens Street in Baltimore City, not a hazard as long as material remains locked BALTIMORE (August 18, 2021) – The Maryland Department of the Environment  Read the Rest…

BPW approves funding for clean water, the Chesapeake Bay and energy-saving climate progress

BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS APPROVES FUNDING FOR CLEAN WATER, THE CHESAPEAKE BAY AND ENERGY-SAVING CLIMATE PROGRESS Grants and loans will reduce pollution and energy consumption BALTIMORE (Aug. 11, 2021) – The Maryland Board of Public Works in Annapolis approved more than $32 million in grants and loans today to reduce pollution and increase the use  Read the Rest…

Hogan administration funding initiative advances climate and clean energy goals, saves local jurisdictions money

HOGAN ADMINISTRATION FUNDING INITIATIVE ADVANCES CLIMATE AND CLEAN ENERGY GOALS, SAVES LOCAL JURISDICTIONS MONEYEnergy Water Infrastructure Program grant, approved today, supports Anne Arundel county solar project BALTIMORE (Aug. 11, 2021) – A $3 million state grant will help fund a solar energy project that will provide nearly all of the electricity needed to power an  Read the Rest…

Board of Public Works approves funding for City of Cambridge climate resiliency and the Chesapeake Bay

Board of Public Works approves funding for City of Cambridge climate resiliency and the Chesapeake Bay Grant for seawall replacement will help protect Cambridge from flooding BALTIMORE (July 7, 2021) – The Maryland Board of Public Works approved a quarter million dollar grant today to replace and improve a seawall to help protect the City  Read the Rest…

MDE issues report on sampling of Md. public drinking water systems for PFAS

DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT ISSUES REPORT ON SAMPLING OF MARYLAND PUBLIC DRINKING WATER SYSTEMS FOR PFAS Water systems serving about 70% of Maryland’s population sampled; samples from two systems exceed federal health advisory level; report describes steps taken to protect public health BALTIMORE (July 1, 2021) – A new report provides a detailed look at  Read the Rest…

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