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Maryland Department of the Environment

Archive for April, 2019

Board of Public Works approves funding for clean water and the Chesapeake Bay

Board of Public Works approves funding for clean water and the Chesapeake Bay Grant made possible by Clean Water Commerce Act will fund water pollution reductions to Bay tributary in Harford County BALTIMORE (April 24, 2019) – The Maryland Board of Public Works approved the first funding stemming from the Maryland Clean Water Commerce Act,  Read the Rest…

For the Record – April

For The Record: MDE Permits, Licenses, Certifications Applications and Issuances The following are partial lists by county of permit, license, and certification applications and issuances as well as other permitting activity at the Maryland Department of the Environment. For more information on these permits, please contact Amanda Degen at (410) 537-4120. Applications Received 03/16/2019 –  Read the Rest…

WJZ: Chesapeake Bay’s Health At Risk After Trump Issues Executive Order Relaxing Clean Water Rules

CONOWINGO, Md. (WJZ) — Before the Susquehanna River enters the Chesapeake Bay, the Conowingo Dam churns electric power from it. It’s the kind of energy that falls under federal regulations. With an executive order, President Trump is ordering states not to get in the way of energy infrastructure, by enforcing clean water rules. According to  Read the Rest…

Maryland releases draft Chesapeake Bay restoration plan

MARYLAND RELEASES DRAFT CHESAPEAKE BAY RESTORATION PLAN Public invited to comment on draft Phase III Watershed Implementation Plan BALTIMORE (April 12, 2019) – A draft plan for continued progress in restoring Maryland’s portion of the Chesapeake Bay is now available for public review and comment. The draft Phase III Watershed Implementation Plan represents the next  Read the Rest…

Waterways in Dorchester County Reclassified for Shellfish Harvesting

MEDIA CONTACTS: Jay Apperson (410) 537-3003   Waterways in Dorchester County Reclassified for Shellfish Harvesting Section of Slaughter Creek closed to harvesting, portions of Hudson Creek, Little Choptank River “conditionally approved”   BALTIMORE, MD (April 9, 2019) – The Maryland Department of the Environment has reclassified waterways in Dorchester County for shellfish harvesting. About  Read the Rest…