Board of Public Works Approves Funding for Clean Water and the Chesapeake Bay
Jay Apperson
(410) 537-3003
Board of Public Works Approves Funding for Clean Water and the Chesapeake Bay
Grants and loans will reduce pollution, improve drinking water infrastructure
BALTIMORE, MD (September 5, 2018) – The Maryland Board of Public Works approved more than $6.8 million in grants and loans today to reduce pollution and improve a Western Maryland drinking water system. The board is composed of Governor Larry Hogan, Treasurer Nancy K. Kopp and Comptroller Peter Franchot.
“These are smart investments to protect public health and prevent water pollution in Maryland communities and the Chesapeake Bay,” said Maryland Environment Secretary Ben Grumbles. “Improving streams at an abandoned mine site and improving drinking water and sewage treatment systems will help us to green and grow the state’s economy and lead in the race to protect and restore Chesapeake Bay watersheds.”
The following projects were approved today:
Harbour View Wastewater Treatment Plant Enhanced Nutrient Removal Upgrade project – Cecil County
A $5,131,902 Bay Restoration Fund grant to Cecil County will help fund the planning, design and construction of an Enhanced Nutrient Removal (ENR) upgrade at the 65,000 gallons-per-day Harbour View Wastewater Treatment Plant. The project includes demolition and abandonment of the existing plant and construction of a new pump station and plant for ENR treatment. The upgrade will lead to an 83 percent reduction in nitrogen discharged and a 90 percent reduction in phosphorus discharged to the Elk River and ultimately the Chesapeake Bay. Excessive amounts of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus lead to lowered levels of oxygen needed to support aquatic life in waterways, including the Chesapeake Bay. ENR upgrades of wastewater treatment plants are a critical component of Maryland’s Phase II Watershed Implementation Plan.
Smith Island Clean Water Project – Somerset County
Grants of $921,448 – a $673,102 Bay Restoration Fund grant and a $248,346 Chesapeake Bay Water Quality Supplemental Assistance grant – to Somerset County will help fund the planning, design and construction of a new Biological Nutrient Removal/Enhanced Nutrient Removal (BNR/ENR) wastewater treatment plant in Ewell and an upgrade to the wastewater collection and conveyance system. The project includes decommissioning the existing Tylerton Wastewater Treatment Plant, an overhaul of three pumping stations and the construction of a new main to convey wastewater from Tylerton to the new plant. The upgrade will lead to an 83 percent reduction in nitrogen discharged and a 90 percent reduction in phosphorus discharged to the Frances Gut and ultimately the Chesapeake Bay. Excessive amounts of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus lead to lowered levels of oxygen needed to support aquatic life in waterways, including the Chesapeake Bay. ENR upgrades of wastewater treatment plants are a critical component of Maryland’s Phase II Watershed Implementation Plan.
Willowbrook Road 12-inch Waterline Replacement project – Allegany County
$750,500 in grants and loans to the city of Cumberland will help fund the replacement and lining of sections of a water line in Cumberland. The waterline is corroding, which causes frequent main breaks and service interruptions. The project is designed to improve the system to provide a safe and reliable water supply. The funding consists of a $627,965 Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund loan and a $122,535 Water Supply Financial Assistance grant.
Upper Georges Creek Stream Sealing Project, Acid Mine Drainage Remediation: Hoffman Drainage Tunnel Flow Monitoring Project – Allegany County
A $48,000 Mining Remediation Program grant to the U.S. Geological Survey will fund the continuation of the Upper Georges Creek Stream Sealing Project, Acid Mine Drainage Remediation: Hoffman Drainage Tunnel Flow Monitoring Project. The project is designed to remediate the loss of stream flow and resulting water contamination that can be caused by abandoned deep mines. This phase of the project includes continued monitoring and collection of data from a steam flow gauging station at the outflow of the Hoffman Drainage Tunnel for three years. Monitoring and establishing the baseline discharge prior to any stream channel lining work that might be done will assist in assessing hydrologic changes that could result from stream channel sealing projects in the Upper Georges Creek watershed.
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