Board of Public Works approves funding for clean water and the Chesapeake Bay
Jay Apperson
(410) 537-3003
Board of Public Works approves funding for clean water and the Chesapeake Bay
Grants and loans will reduce pollution, improve drinking water infrastructure, reduce energy consumption
BALTIMORE, MD (August 1, 2018) – The Maryland Board of Public Works approved more than $5 million in grants and loans today to reduce pollution, improve drinking water infrastructure and save energy. The board is composed of Governor Larry Hogan, Treasurer Nancy K. Kopp and Comptroller Peter Franchot.
“These are smart investments to protect public health and the environment while saving money and energy in Maryland communities,” said Maryland Environment Secretary Ben Grumbles. “Energy efficiency saves money and, along with the use of renewable energy, helps the Chesapeake Bay by reducing nitrogen pollution. Upgrading drinking water and sewer systems will also help us to green and grow the state’s economy and lead in the race to protect and restore Chesapeake Bay watersheds.”
The following projects were approved today:
Town Creek Water System Phase 1 project – St. Mary’s County
A $2,052,427 Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund loan to the St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission will help fund the first phase of a project to design and build waterlines, valves, fire hydrants, radio-read water meters and other equipment to replace the existing aging and deteriorating water distribution system in the California area of St. Mary’s County. The new system will correct water pressure and delivery problems and provide residents with a safe and sustainable supply of water for drinking and other purposes, including fire protection.
Patuxent Park Sewer Replacement Phase 4 project – St. Mary’s County
A $1,550,260 Water Quality State Revolving Loan Fund loan to the St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission will fund the fourth phase of a project to correct and replace the sewer system in the Lexington Park area of St. Mary’s County. The project will repair and replace the deteriorated sewer system to reduce the amount of inflow and infiltration that can lead to sewage overflows.
Patuxent Water Main Replacement Phase 4 project – St. Mary’s County
A $1,543,828 Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund loan to the St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission will fund the fourth phase of a project to design and build waterlines, fire hydrants and other equipment to correct the water distribution system in the Lexington Park area of St. Mary’s County. The new system will improve water pressure and delivery.
Northeast River Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant Membrane Building Photovoltaic project – Cecil County
A $186,529 Energy Water Infrastructure Program grant to Cecil County will help fund the installation of a photovoltaic system at the Northeast Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant, where recent upgrades to achieve Enhanced Nutrient Removal level treatment added energy demands and increased operating costs. The project will provide about 80,000 kilowatts per year of solar power to reduce energy costs.
Keedysville Water Storage Tank Heating Upgrade project – Washington County
A $40,402 Energy Water Infrastructure Program grant to the Town of Keedysville will help fund the installation of insulation on the walls and ceilings of the town’s 300,000 gallon water storage tower to lower the energy consumption of two heaters and remove the risk of freezing.
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