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Maryland Department of the Environment

Board of Public Works Approves Funding for Clean Water and the Chesapeake Bay


Jay Apperson

(410) 537-3003

Board of Public Works Approves Funding for Clean Water and the Chesapeake Bay

Grants and loans will reduce pollution, improve drinking water and wastewater infrastructure

Baltimore, MD (December 6, 2017) – The Maryland Board of Public Works approved more than $2.6 million in grants and loans today to reduce pollution, improve water quality and save energy and money. The Board is composed of Governor Larry Hogan, Treasurer Nancy K. Kopp and Comptroller Peter Franchot.

“These are smart investments to protect public health and prevent water pollution in Maryland communities and the Chesapeake Bay,” said Maryland Environment Secretary Ben Grumbles. “Improving a sewage treatment plant, reducing pollution from septic systems and upgrading a drinking water system will help us to green and grow the state’s economy and lead in the race to protect and restore Chesapeake Bay watersheds.”

The following projects were approved today:


Williamsport Phase II Water Improvements project – Washington County

Funding of $1.5 million – a $750,000 grant in the form of forgiveness of a Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund loan to the Town of Williamsport, along with a second $750,000 Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund loan – will fund the Williamsport Phase II Water Improvements project. The project includes replacement of portions of the water main, water meters, fire hydrants and valves. The water lines are subject to repeated breakages. The project will help prevent severe drops in water pressure, improve meter readings and avoid water loss.


Upgrade Septic Systems – Statewide

Grants from the Bay Restoration Fund totaling $1.095 million will provide funding for counties to upgrade on-site sewage disposal (septic) systems to significantly reduce the discharge of nitrogen, one of the most serious pollutants in the Chesapeake Bay. Counties will focus on upgrading septic systems located within the critical area. Sixteen Maryland counties will benefit from this round of grants.


Denton Wastewater Treatment Plant Enhanced Nutrient Removal Refinement project –Caroline County

A $57,294 Bay Restoration Fund grant to the Town of Denton will help fund the planning, design and construction of improvements to the 800,000 gallons-per-day Denton Wastewater Treatment Plant, which is an Enhanced Nutrient Removal (ENR) facility. The project will improve plant efficiency to reduce nutrient pollution to the Choptank River and ultimately the Chesapeake Bay.

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