Maryland Green Registry Leadership Winners Honored
Jay Apperson
(410) 537-3003
Adrienne Diaczok
(410) 537-3003
Maryland Green Registry Leadership Winners Honored
Members report $104 million in savings through environmental practices
BALTIMORE, MD (June 15, 2017) – The Maryland Department of the Environment today announced that five Maryland organizations received leadership awards Wednesday night at the Governor Calvert House in Annapolis during the eighth annual Maryland Green Registry awards celebration, held in partnership with the Registry, Annapolis Green and the U.S. Green Building Council Maryland.
The awards were presented by Maryland Department of the Environment Secretary Ben Grumbles to BD Diagnostics in Sparks, Hamilton Associates in Owings Mills, the Town of Emmitsburg in Frederick County, Harford County Public Schools, and Washington Gas. Winners were chosen based on their commitment to continuous environmental improvement within their facilities and the environmental results achieved to date. More information on each winner’s achievements are detailed on the Maryland Green Registry website.
In addition, the Registry announced that its 490 member organizations saved $104 million last year by implementing sustainable, environmentally-friendly practices at their facilities such as reducing energy usage, waste reduction and water conservation. As part of their online member profile, Maryland Green Registry members share at least one quantitative environmental measurement. The results are collected to demonstrate that even small efforts among a group of committed organizations can lead to impressive outcomes. The results also emphasize the importance of measurement to the successful management of environmental impacts at any type and size of organization.
“Maryland is open for business, and the Hogan Administration is eager to welcome and support green business leaders,” Environment Secretary Ben Grumbles said. “The organizations we are honoring are true leaders in showing the way toward an environmentally sustainable future and a thriving economy in Maryland. The two go hand in hand, as shown by $104 million in annual savings for Green Registry members.”
The following results were achieved by Registry members on an annual basis between 2016 and 2017: 535,000 pounds of hazardous waste reduced, 12.4 million pounds of nonhazardous waste reduced, 719.8 million pounds of non-hazardous waste recycled, 9.7 million pounds of material composted, 2.75 million gallons of wastewater reduced, 535,000 gallons of fuel saved through both fuel efficiency and vehicle miles traveled, 9.3 million vehicle miles traveled reduced, 459.5 million kWh electricity saved, 190 million gallons of water conserved, and 2.25 million metric tons carbon dioxide equivalent (MTCO2e) reduced.
The Maryland Green Registry was created to promote and recognize sustainable practices by organizations throughout the state. The free program offers tips and resources to help organizations set and meet their own goals on the path to sustainability.
Infographic of Maryland Green Registry Annual Results
U.S. Green Building Council Maryland
View photos of the Maryland Green Registry awards on the Registry’s Flickr page.