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MDA to Conduct Mosquito Spray Following Positive Confirmation of Locally Transmitted Malaria Case

Spraying Planned for Evening of August 18 

ANNAPOLIS, MD (August 18, 2023)The Maryland Department of Agriculture has received confirmation of a positive case of locally acquired malaria in a Maryland resident who lives in the National Capital Region. According to the Maryland Department of Health, the individual was hospitalized and is now recovering. They did not travel recently outside of the United States or to other U.S. states with recent locally acquired malaria cases. 

“This positive malaria case underscores the importance of being vigilant during mosquito season about personal protection against mosquitoes as well as the importance of continuous monitoring and spraying by the Maryland Department of Agriculture Mosquito Spray Program,” said Maryland Department of Agriculture Secretary Kevin Atticks. “The quick action of health professionals to identify the case allows MDA to respond rapidly in treating the region to protect against future cases.”

Spraying will occur after 7:30 p.m. In the event of inclement weather, spraying will be rescheduled for the next available evening. Any existing spray exemptions in the area will be temporarily suspended. 

MDA Mosquito Control Program personnel will use a permethrin-based solution that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has approved for use in public health mosquito control programs without posing unreasonable risks to human health. However, out of an abundance of caution, MDA recommends avoiding outdoor activities during spraying.

While not all mosquitoes carry diseases, MDA suggests that residents take precautions to minimize their exposure to mosquito bites. These measures include:

  • Wear long, loose fitting, light colored clothing
  • Wear insect repellents according to product labels
  • Avoid mosquito infested areas during prime periods of activity (between dusk and dawn)
  • Install, inspect, and repair window and door screens in homes and stables
  • Regularly clean bird baths and bowls for pet food and water
  • Remove or empty all water-holding containers 

All Marylanders are encouraged to follow MDA’s Twitter feed @MdAgDept that will post unscheduled spray events and other timely information about mosquito control in Maryland. Routine spray program schedules are available by county on the program’s website.

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Contact Information

If you have any questions, need additional information or would like to arrange an interview, please contact:
Jessica Hackett
Director of Communications
Telephone: 410-841-5888
