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2006: Donald Dell Family

Credit: Executive Office of the Governor

Family Name: The Donald Dell Family

Four generations of the Dell family operate Cranberry Meadow Farm in Carroll County. The farm operation includes a 180 cow dairy with top-notch genetics, Black Angus beef cattle, 3,300 acres of corn, soybeans and small grains, and a grain elevator. Donald Dell has been farming all his life. “Growing up on a farm was a lot of work, but also very rewarding. The farm was self-sustaining – crops were grown to feed the family and livestock. Families canned, made jelly and apple butter and their own clothing.” He says that “by today’s standards we were poor – but we didn’t know it.” “Poor” as far as money goes, but wealthy in that they had everything they needed. He still appreciates the miracle of watching a plant sprout from a seed. Donald has seen firsthand the evolution of farming equipment and techniques. He remembers using a walking plow and milking by hand. The combine (a machine that cuts and threshes grain swaths) went from being horse drawn, to tractor drawn, to self-propelled. His first combine, bought in 1945, had a 5-foot header – today’s combine has a 30-foot header. Milking went from hand milking to suction machines to the current robotic system where the machine senses a cow in the chute, can check to see if she has been milked recently, will clean the udder and attach to the teat for milking. The Dells have incorporated conservation best management practices since the 1950s, are strong supporters of agricultural land preservation, and continue to run a profitable, diversified operation. All generations have been and continue to be leaders in a wide range of agricultural and community organizations including: 4-H, Carroll County Soil Conservation District, Farm Bureau, Dairy Herd Improvement Association, the Historical Society of Carroll County, PTA and their church. Donald served for 12 years as the Commissioner for Carroll County.

Ceremony Date: 2/1/07

Contact Information

If you have any questions, need additional information or would like to arrange an interview, please contact:
Jessica Hackett
Director of Communications
Telephone: 410-841-5888
