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1993: Norman & Annice Fike

Credit: Executive Office of the Governor

Family Name: The Fike Family

The Fikes have owned and operated Richland Orchard in Talbot County for more than 50 years. While they produce a variety of produce and livestock, their main focus is on their apple orchard. “We were farming for 50 years and just did what was natural,” said Annice. “From 1934 to 1966, we went from horse-drawn farm implements to tractors,” said Norman. “It (the award) isn’t something you work for; it is just something that happened. We didn’t do anything out of the ordinary. We want to say thanks to everyone who contributed to us being successful. Thanks to the people who helped, challenged and inspired us. You can’t do it alone,” said Annice. The Fike family hosted a German exchange student, as well as several foreign students from the University of Maryland during holiday vacation days. The guests at Richland Orchard were given a chance to learn about different facets of agriculture. The family also sponsored two refugee families, who lived in their home. The Fikes toured several countries in the South Pacific 20 People to People agricultural tour. Norman and Annice have been very involved in both the agricultural and local community. Mr. Fike founded the Easton Farmers’ Market. He served as president of the Talbot County Farm Bureau, president of Maryland State Farm Bureau, active in organizing Soil Conservation District and remained active from 1958 through 10 terms of office, ending in 1992, served on Talbot County School Board Committee to create a plan for integrating schools and president of State Horticulture Society in 1956. Mrs. Fike generously volunteered and served for many organizations, including: 4-H Club, the Association of Woman for the Farm Bureau, Talbot Homemakers, and Memorial Hospital, director of Christian Education in her local district congregations and the Red Cross.\

Ceremony Date: 2/3/1994

Contact Information

If you have any questions, need additional information or would like to arrange an interview, please contact:
Jessica Hackett
Director of Communications
Telephone: 410-841-5888
