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New Assistance for Maryland Farmers Impacted by COVID-19

MD Secretary of Agriculture Joe BartenfelderAs published in the October 31 edition of Lancaster Farming

By Secretary Joe Bartenfelder

As a farmer myself, I know how difficult the COVID-19 pandemic has been for our industry. Many of us are facing drops in prices and reduced demand from restaurants and other traditional food service venues. Poultry growers are facing lower chick placements and extended layouts between flocks. Farmers markets, farm stands and pick-your-own farms are adjusting their operations to protect the health of workers and customers.

Despite these challenges, I have seen our farmers work tirelessly throughout the state of emergency to ensure that our food supply chain continues to run with minimal interruptions. Though some operations have been able to adapt, there is no farm business in Maryland that has not taken a hit during this global pandemic. 

Last week, I joined Governor Larry Hogan for a roundtable discussion with farmers in Hurlock, Md., where we heard firsthand accounts of how the pandemic has impacted the agriculture industry. Recognizing a need for state assistance, I was proud to stand alongside Governor Hogan as he announced the new Maryland Farmer COVID-19 Relief Program.

This $10 million initiative will provide critical support to thousands of Maryland farmers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The program will offer direct assistance to contract poultry growers and a bonus payment to any farm operation that received funding through the first round of the federal Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP).

Direct Support For Contract Poultry Growers. Federal CFAP funding is currently not available to contract poultry growers, which is Maryland’s top agricultural commodity. Under the Maryland Farmer COVID-19 Relief Program, the Maryland Department of Agriculture will issue direct payments of $1,000 per poultry house, up to five houses per farm. Growers whose flocks were depopulated during the pandemic will be eligible for an additional $1,500 per house.

Bonus Payments For Farmers. The new initiative will also offer a 15% bonus payment to any Maryland farmer who received federal funding through the first round of CFAP payments. CFAP provides financial assistance to producers of agricultural commodities who have suffered a 5% or greater price decline, or who had losses due to market supply chain disruptions related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The State of Maryland distributed nearly $24 million through the first round of CFAP payments and has distributed more than $16 million in the second round of the program.

Applications for the program are available on the department’s website at

The dedication and resilience of our farmers and producers never ceases to amaze me, and has been on full display through these past several months. I understand this program may not make everyone whole, but I am hopeful that it will provide some much needed support for our family farmers and workers. 

On behalf of the Hogan-Rutherford administration, we deeply appreciate all that you do to ensure that Marylanders continue to have access to a fresh, healthy food supply. Please keep up the great work and stay safe!

Contact Information

If you have any questions, need additional information or would like to arrange an interview, please contact:
Jessica Hackett
Director of Communications
Telephone: 410-841-5888
