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June 15, 2021

Governor Hogan Announces End of COVID-19 State of Emergency

Emergency Mandates and Restrictions to End July 1, Followed By 45-Day Administrative Grace Period


ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan today announced the end of the COVID-19 state of emergency in the State of Maryland. As of today, Maryland has surpassed 6.5 million vaccinations, and the positivity rate is a record-low 0.82%.

“Thanks in large part to the hard work, the sacrifices, and the vigilance of the people of Maryland, we have finally reached the light at the end of that long tunnel,” said Governor Hogan. “Each and every one of you—your actions—have made this day possible. I am so proud of our state, and I’m grateful to have had this honor to serve as your governor. Thank you all for being Maryland Strong.”

The COVID-19 state of emergency will end in two phases:


All emergency mandates and restrictions will be terminated as of July 1. There will no longer be any statewide mask order in effect for any settings, including schools, camps, and child care facilities.


Thursday, July 1 will mark the beginning of a 45-day grace period, where certain regulations will continue to be relaxed to complete the administrative transition out of the pandemic. This includes such provisions as renewing driver’s licenses, winding down emergency health operations, and the moratorium on evictions related to COVID-19.

May 17, 2021

Governor Hogan Announces End of Statewide Mask Mandate

State Adopts CDC Guidance, Fully Vaccinated Individuals May Resume Activities as Normal
State Health Officials Strongly Recommend Unvaccinated Individuals Continue to Wear Face Coverings

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan today announced the end of the statewide mask mandate, aligning Maryland with new CDC guidance.

This order will take effect Saturday, May 15, along with the lifting of all capacity limits and restrictions that the governor announced earlier this week.

(read more)

May 13, 2021

UPDATE: Governor Hogan Lifts Capacity Limits on Indoor and Outdoor Venues, All Remaining Restrictions on Indoor and Outdoor Dining As of May 15

ANNAPOLIS, MD—As a result of the state’s rapid pace of COVID-19 vaccinations and subsequent declines in key health metrics, Governor Larry Hogan today announced the lifting of all capacity restrictions on outdoor entertainment, art, and sports venues and indoor entertainment venues and conventions, and all remaining restrictions on indoor and outdoor dining, as of Saturday, May 15.

For more information please refer to the updated executive order and the Maryland Department of Health’s updated guidance for indoor food service, retail, and personal service establishments.




October 19, 2020

Maryland Farmer COVID-19 Relief Program

Md Farmer COVID-19 Relief

The Maryland Department of Agriculture is now accepting applications for a new relief program for farmers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Maryland Farmer COVID-19 Relief Program will provide payments for contract poultry producers who were not eligible for Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) funds, as well as bonus payments to farmers who received federal relief from the first round of CFAP funding. (more…)

September 9, 2020

Maryland Agritourism Operations During COVID-19: Frequently Asked Questions

As an agritourism operator…

Am I able to operate my agritourism operation?

Agritourism is a broad term (defined in Md. Code, Land Use Art. Section 4-212) that can encompass many types of activities on a farm. This guidance is meant to highlight some of the concerns and restrictions agritourism operators may face. Depending on the nature of the operation, however, there may be state or local Orders, restrictions, recommendations, and/or guidance documents that are more appropriate for the operation or portions of the operation. (more…)

June 26, 2020

COVID‐19 Facility/Site Compliance: Agricultural Safe Business Practices, Face Covering, and Social Distancing Compliance Checklist

This checklist will help agricultural businesses including farms to implement best practices to prevent COVID-19 in the workplace. It can be used as a self-assessment tool by agricultural businesses or as a tool for the Maryland Department of Agriculture, Maryland Department of Health and/or the local Health Departments to evaluate COVID-19 safe business practices for facilities. All recommendations for signage and communications should be made available in the written and spoken languages of the employees. Simple language and infographics are strongly encouraged. (more…)

Spanish Version PDF

Haitian-Creole PDF

COVID-19 Guidance: Agricultural Workforce Training

All training should be provided in the native language of workers. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has guidance and signs available in multiple languages. (more…)

Spanish Version PDF

Haitian-Creole Version PDF

Farmworkers and the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19): Temporary Worker Housing COVID-19 Guidance

Employers and employees can help to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This guidance will help Maryland agricultural employers know how to prevent COVID-19, and what to do if there is an outbreak. The most important prevention measure is good communication, presented so that everyone understands how to prevent disease. This means that all communications with workers should be in their native language. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has downloadable signs and guidance available in several languages. (more…)

Spanish Version PDF

Haitian-Creole Version PDF

Agricultural Site COVID-19 Guidance: Maintain a Healthy Workforce

The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Individuals infected with COVID-19 and those exhibiting any of these symptoms should not work. COVID-19 is primarily spread from person-to-person contact and is highly contagious. To maintain a healthy workforce, you should develop and implement a plan to protect workers on your agricultural site. All policies and procedures you put in place on your agricultural site should be communicated to workers in their native language through posted signs, verbal reminders, and training. The following checklist is intended to assist you with ensuring you have implemented all the necessary precautions. (more…)

Spanish Version PDF

Haitian-Creole PDF

COVID-19 Guidance: Farms and On-farm Deliveries and Pick-ups

The following guidance and recommendations for farms has been developed to assist farms in limiting exposure and risk related to COVID-19 (novel coronavirus). As always, it is critical to practice biosecurity for the safety of animals, workers and the public. It is now critical to also consider ways to limit person-to-person contact and if necessary congregating safely while maintaining social distance. (more…)

Spanish Version PDF

Haitian-Creole Version PDF

June 11, 2020

Guidance for Livestock Shows and Competitions

The State of Maryland continues to be vigilant in mitigating the impact of COVID-19 as we begin to safely reopen certain businesses and activities across the state. The Maryland Department
of Agriculture understands that summer represents peak season for livestock shows and competitions at local fairs and other agricultural events.

For show managers who plan to move forward with their events, the State Veterinarian’s office has provided the following guidance to ensure your event is in compliance with state orders and
standards set by the Maryland Department of Health (MDH)and U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC). (more…)

May 20, 2020

Guidance for Agricultural Auctions

Agricultural production is considered essential for maintaining a safe and abundant food supply during the COVID-19 state of emergency. Many agricultural producers rely on auctions as the primary means for getting their product into distribution channels. However, traditional agricultural auctions are congregation points and pose a risk for transmission of COVID-19. Agricultural auctions may include, but are not limited to: livestock, produce, farm equipment and machinery.  (more…)

April 22, 2020

Maryland Pick-Your-Own Operations During COVID-19 State of Emergency

All Marylanders are advised to take precautions to slow the spread of COVID-19. Any place where people congregate is a possible opportunity for COVID-19 to spread. It is absolutely essential that pick-your-own farm operators do what they can to reduce the risk of transmission. Check out our Frequently Asked Questions for Maryland Pick-Your-Own Operations During COVID-19 State of Emergency.

April 9, 2020

COVID-19 Assistance for the Agriculture Industry

The Hogan administration acknowledges that agriculture is Maryland’s top industry with an estimated economic impact of $15.8 billion. Maryland’s food, feed, and fiber industries provide more than 65,000 jobs across the state. Given the economic hardships posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, agricultural businesses may be eligible for the following relief programs: (more…)

COVID-19 Assistance for Commercial Watermen and the Seafood Industry

The Hogan Administration acknowledges that the seafood industry is an iconic Maryland industry with commercial landing values over $82 million. The seafood industry also contributes over $600 million to Maryland’s economy. Given the economic hardships posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, commercial watermen who are self-employed may be eligible for the following relief programs: (more…)
