MDA Preparing to Treat Nearly 5,200 Acres for Gypsy Moth – Invasive Pest Threatens Forest and Shade Trees
ANNAPOLIS, MD – Weather permitting, the Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) will begin aerial spraying late next week (May 6) in a small portion of Talbot County to combat the destructive gypsy moth, an invasive pest that destroys forest and shade trees. However, most of MDA’s gypsy moth spraying will take place at the end of the month in Western Maryland.
On Tuesday, MDA is scheduled to spray 221 acres, in two areas, of Talbot County along MD Route 579 (Bozman Nevitt Road), May Port Road and Leadenham Cove Road. Most spraying will be done mid to late May in Garrett County and Allegany County where MDA will spray 2,745 and 2,233 acres respectively, with 35 individual areas across the two counties. All property owners directly affected by the spraying have been notified by letter.
Maps of areas to be sprayed as well as the spray schedule are on MDA’s website.
When MDA begins spraying, residents can follow MDA’s Gypsy Moth Twitter for frequent updates on the progress of the helicopters. Follow @MDGypsyMoth.
Every year, MDA monitors the presence and severity of gypsy moth infestations and assesses potential damage and tree loss. Predators, parasites, and diseases often kill gypsy moths; however, when the natural enemies fail to suppress high infestations, MDA will work with federal and local governments to conduct aerial insecticide treatments to protect and preserve forest and shade trees. In FY 2013, MDA surveyed nearly 528,000 acres and treated 12,000 acres in Garrett, St. Mary’s and Worcester Counties. The last major outbreak was in 2007-2009 when more than 88,000 acres of trees were defoliated and MDA treated more than 182,000 acres.
For more information about the Forest Pest Management Program, visit here.
Click here for more comprehensive info on gypsy moth.
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