Consensus Reached on PMT Regulations
The Hogan Administration and lawmakers, together with stakeholders from the agriculture and environment communities, reached consensus on the phosphorus management tool regulations on March 18.
Two changes were made to the regulations proposed on February 23. Those changes address key concerns of legislators and the environmental community. The revised regulations maintain the enhancements volunteered by the agricultural community that provide immediate environmental protection and gather comprehensive data on agricultural soil phosphorus conditions across the state.
The two changes to the proposed PMT regulations are explained below:
- The implementation schedule is more clearly defined and includes giving farmers no more than two, one-year extensions at set points. The new timeline also establishes 2024 as the deadline for full implementation.
- A new expert advisory committee will be formed to evaluate the infrastructure and capacity available to manage additional manure as farmers transition to the PMT. The advisory committee will make recommendations to the Secretary to provide any extensions and only if the infrastructure is not in place. The 20-member Phosphorus Management Tool Advisory Committee will be comprised of government, university, farmers, manure haulers, alternative use industries, biosolids, and environmental interests. Members will be appointed by the Maryland Secretary of Agriculture.
Click here for the revised regulations are scheduled to be published in the Maryland Register on April 3, followed by a 30-day public comment period.