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    MCSS SFG Facilitator Accepts New Role Representing Maryland Students

    Henry Meiser, SFG Facilitator

    Henry Meiser, Facilitator for the MCSS Student Focus Group, recently accepted appointment as Student Commissioner to the Governor’s Commission on Suicide Prevention. This is another important role for Mr. Meiser to undertake as he represents students in Maryland.

     “This task has been an especially challenging one, given Maryland’s great geographical and socio-economic diversity, and the sheer age gap between a student in elementary, and high school.”

    Mr. Meiser is a senior at St. Mary’s Ryken High School. He initiated the Southern Maryland Youth Leadership Foundation and has obtained a certificate in leadership and management from the University of Pennsylvania. 

    Mr. Meiser says he was heavily affected by the suicide of a Maryland student in October of 2021, and felt compelled to step up on the Commission to represent students of all ages in the group. He had to submit a lengthy application and ethics background check before being appointed to the commission by Gov. Larry Hogan in January of 2022.

    The Governor’s Commission on Suicide Prevention assess needs, gaps, strengths, challenges and priorities of the State’s Maryland Suicide Prevention Program. The Commission will bring together stakeholders to provide a framework for identifying and implementing Maryland’s suicide prevention priorities. The Commission will release a comprehensive report on suicide prevention in December of 2022.

    “My goal is to ensure that there is a student in every room, virtual or real. By doing this, the Commission is able to make sure that all of the State’s resources, programs, and initiatives reach every single Marylander,” Mr. Meiser says, “I wanted to make sure that the student perspective was being considered in all matters of suicide prevention, postvention, and counseling.”

    Gov. Hogan created the Commission in 2018 to reduce and prevent suicides and suicidal behaviors. They are tasked with evaluating comprehensive, multifaceted, coordinated programs and services for the wellness needs of Maryland residents. They also address the interrelated concept of postvention, which is an attempt to reduce risk, and promote community healing after a suicide death.

    The new national 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

    MCSS Student Focus Group

    Mr. Meiser is interviewed by WBAL’s Tim Tooten at the MCSS Summer Conference
    Mr. Meiser and Claire Cabral present the keynote address at the MCSS Summer Conference

    Through his work as MCSS SFG facilitator, Mr. Meiser has been very active on matters regarding school safety and student awareness. He has gained experience presenting on topics including school safety, hate bias, and trends in students and schools.  Mr. Meiser joined Claire Cabral in giving the first Keynote speech at the MCSS Annual Summer Conference, School Safety: A Collaborative Approach. They also presented Student Perspective in School Safety; Keeping Students in the Discussion at the National School Safety Conference in Orlando, Florida. 
