St. Joan of Arc Awarded Safe School Maryland Gold

Saint Joan of Arc School is the first private elementary school to undertake the Safe Schools Gold School engagement program. We loved being part of the celebration with the school as they received the Governor’s Citation for embarking on this important program.
Principal Dianne Kestler, Father William Franken, Archdioceses of Baltimore representatives and the St. Joan of Arc student body were pleased to accept this Safe School Gold School Award from the Maryland Center for School Safety.

Take a look at the video from the ceremony here.

What is a Safe School Gold School and How Does My School Become a Gold School?
Our Safe Schools Gold School engagement program is an opportunity for the Maryland Center for School Safety to share information about our Safe Schools Maryland Anonymous Reporting System with your students, parents and staff.
Our Safe Schools Maryland Anonymous Reporting system is part of a network of 23 states and was launched in October, 2018 by Governor Hogan as a response to the Parkland and Great Mills High School shootings. Maryland needed a system to give people the opportunity to report safety issues, because (in most cases), someone knew something and just didn’t know how to report it, or who to report it to. The system is completely free for any type of school: public or non-public, K-12 and free to anyone who makes a report.
It is always available there; 24/7/365. You don’t have to wait for school to be open.
The system does not replace 9-11 or telling a trusted adult about school or student safety concerns. We want kids to make a connection with a trusted adult in their lives, but if they can’t report it to someone they know and trust, the tip line is for them.
Call 1-833-MD-B-SAFE
MCSS needs school administrators to take the first step in sharing this information with their school community. Our Gold, Silver, Bronze Safe Schools engagement shows your school shows a commitment to school safety and you will be honored with a sign and window decal that you are a Safe Schools Gold School.