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    Flintstone Elementary Gold School Ceremony

    A woman in red is holding a card in front of class
    Principal Ralston holding a cue card for Flintstone Elementary’s fourth-grade class as they recite a poem about Safe Schools Maryland.

    Flintstone Elementary, home of the S.P.A.R.K.S., received a Governor’s Citation in recognition of being the first elementary school to reach Safe Schools Maryland Gold School status, on April 25, 2022. Maryland Center for School Safety (MCSS) was proud to deliver this citation from the office of Governor Larry Hogan in honor of Flintstone’s contribution to the promotion of school safety in Maryland. Flintstone Elementary stands out as an example for others to follow.

    A citation from the office of Governor Larry Hogan hangs on the wall
    at Flintstone Elementary alongside Safe Schools Maryland signage

    Below is a featured MCSS video highlighting the Flintstone Elementary Gold School ceremony.
