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    2021 Conference: Current Maryland High School Students Present “School Safety through the Eyes of Your Students: Ask a Student!”

    Claire, Henry, and Kevin, Student Focus Group Members, smile for the camera.

    Do your students really feel safe in your school? What do they think of the climate of their school? What does safety look like in the eyes of your students? What more needs to be done to keep students feeling safer? All of these questions and more can be answered in this Ask Me Anything-style panel session with teen members of the inaugural MCSS Student Focus Group. This is your opportunity to get student feedback on your school safety initiatives and ideas from the students with all work to serve.

    Education Administrators, Teachers, School Psychologists/Guidance Counselors, School Resource Officers (SROs), Law Enforcement, Local/State Emergency Managers, Fusion Center Analysts, Crisis Intervention Units, Counselors & Mental Health Specialists, School Social Workers, School Safety Professionals, and other school safety stakeholders interested in attending this breakout presentation should register for the July 2021 MCSS School Safety Summer Conference at

    Post in Category: Conference - Annual Summer MCSS