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    2021 Conference: Rosalyn Berkowitz Presents “Nonfatal Strangulation: It’s More Common Than You Think!”

    Conference speaker Rosalyn Berkowitz smiling for the camera.

    Nonfatal strangulation is present in as many as sixty-eight percent of domestic violence cases. It is being identified in an increasing number of child abuse cases as well. Teens don’t understand that the choking game is also a form of strangulation and carries the same risks. Strangulation often leaves no visible injuries; therefore, presenter Rosalyn Berkowitz will ensure anyone working with children becomes familiar with the signs and symptoms and medical consequences associated with strangulation.

    Rosalyn Berkowitz, BSN, RN, FNE-A/P is a forensic nurse examiner at Greater Baltimore Medical Center in Baltimore County.   She graduated from the University of Maryland School of Nursing.  Rosalyn is an active member of the International Association of Forensic Nurses, the Academy of Forensic Nursing, Maryland Child Abuse Medical Professionals, and the Baltimore County Sexual Assault Response Team.  Rosalyn was appointed to the Baltimore County Commission for Women in 2019 by the County Executive, Johnny Olszewski, Jr.  She is on the steering committee of the Maryland Healthcare Coalition Against Domestic Violence and is a member at large of the Baltimore County Domestic Violence Fatality Review Team.  Rosalyn has 20 years of nursing experience: two in an Intensive Care Unit, 14 years in the emergency department and over seven years as a Forensic Nurse Examiner.  She also worked as a Forensic Investigator in Maryland for nine years, performing death investigations in Baltimore County. Rosalyn attended the National Institute for Strangulation Training and Prevention in San Diego in 2013 as well as the Master’s Level Course there 1n 2018. Since then, she has educated judges, prosecutors, the FBI, police, forensic nurses, medical personnel, advocates and first responders in the fire department in Baltimore County and surrounding counties in Maryland on the topic of non-fatal strangulation.   In 2020, Rosalyn testified before the House and the Senate, in Annapolis, to add strangulation to the felony statute in Maryland.  Rosalyn published one book in 2019 with her co-author, Evelyn Keating, and they are currently working on a sequel.  In her spare time Rosalyn likes to read mystery novels, and she loves to cook.

    Education Administrators, Teachers, School Psychologists/Guidance Counselors, School Resource Officers (SROs), Law Enforcement, Local/State Emergency Managers, Fusion Center Analysts, Crisis Intervention Units, Counselors & Mental Health Specialists, School Social Workers, School Safety Professionals, and other school safety stakeholders interested in attending Rosalyn Berkowitz’s presentation should register for the July 2021 MCSS School Safety Summer Conference at

    Post in Category: Conference - Annual Summer MCSS