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    2021 Conference: Tammi Ginsberg Presents “Talk Saves Lives: An Introduction to Suicide Prevention”

    Tammi Ginsberg, conference speaker, smiling for the camera.

    Tammi Ginsberg’s presentation will cover the scope of the problem of suicide, key research findings, including risk factors and warning signs for suicide, along with recommendations for the role we can all play in suicide prevention. We will discuss the latest data on suicide in the U.S. and worldwide and go over information from the latest suicide prevention research. Participants will learn about health, historical, and environmental risk factors that put individuals at risk for suicide along with suicide warning signs. During the presentation participants will gain an understanding of the protective factors that lower suicide risk, and strategies for managing mental health and being proactive about self-care. In addition, the presentation will highlight teen depression and how to distinguish mental health conditions from what is often perceived as normal adolescent mood swings. Learn about barriers youth and adults face when seeking mental health treatment and the resources for when in crisis.

    Tammi Ginsberg is a mental health professional and the Board President of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Maryland Chapter where she is focused on saving lives and bringing hope to those affected by suicide. Her goal is to educate as many people as possible on research, risk factors, warning signs, and suicide prevention. Tammi’s brother died by suicide when she was a junior at the University of Maryland. Her journey of healing includes her own struggle with depression which catapulted her into her second career as a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor. In that role, she works with people of all ages with mood disorders as well as those who have been affected by suicide.

    Education Administrators, Teachers, School Psychologists/Guidance Counselors, School Resource Officers (SROs), Law Enforcement, Local/State Emergency Managers, Fusion Center Analysts, Crisis Intervention Units, Counselors & Mental Health Specialists, School Social Workers, School Safety Professionals, and other school safety stakeholders interested in attending Tammi Ginsberg’s presentation should register for the July 2021 MCSS School Safety Summer Conference at

    Post in Category: Conference - Annual Summer MCSS