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    2021 Conference: Mark Yarbrough Presents “Suffer from BURNOUT, give’em the F.I.N.G.E.R.!”

    Burnout affects millions of Americans each year and has been called “the disease of our civilization.” The unhappiness and detachment burnout causes can threaten your job, your relationships, and your health. But there’s good news — burnout can be healed. Former twenty-year elected District Attorney, Mark Yarbrough, from Littlefield, Texas (hometown of Waylon Jennings), personally experienced burnout, learned how to successfully overcome it, and went from “Burnout” to “On Fire!” He has since become a “burnout expert” and has written and published on the subject. Mark is a very entertaining, motivating and inspiring speaker. He has taught thousands of people how to overcome Burnout — from companies like Blue Bell Ice Cream and Xcel Energy, to teachers and doctors/nurses, to a variety of government workers (police officers, CPS workers, attorneys, victim’s rights advocates, counselors, mental health professionals, etc.). Audience members will learn the definition of Burnout and the symptoms thereof. But more importantly, attendees will be laughing, and at the same time learning how to apply Mark’s F.I.N.G.E.R. philosophy to help their co-workers or themselves avoid and/or recover from Burnout. This is a training that you won’t want to miss!

    Education Administrators, Teachers, School Psychologists/Guidance Counselors, School Resource Officers (SROs), Law Enforcement, Local/State Emergency Managers, Fusion Center Analysts, Crisis Intervention Units, Counselors & Mental Health Specialists, School Social Workers, School Safety Professionals, and other school safety stakeholders interested in attending Mark Yarbrough’s presentation should register for the July 2021 MCSS School Safety Summer Conference at

    Post in Category: Conference - Annual Summer MCSS