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Department of Housing and Community Development

Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Announces Over $300,000 In FY2025 Community Investment Tax Credit Awards to Eastern Shore

Funding will help local nonprofit organizations in Caroline, Cecil, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne’s, Talbot, Wicomico and Worcester counties continue community revitalization and economic development efforts

NEW CARROLLTON, MD (January 6, 2025) – The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development announced it has awarded more than $300,000 in tax credits to projects across the Eastern Shore as part of the Fiscal Year 2025 Community Investment Tax Credit program.

The Community Investment Tax Credit program supports nonprofit organizations involved in community and economic revitalization activities. Nonprofit organizations use the tax credits as incentives for individuals and businesses to donate money, goods or real property to support operational and programmatic costs associated with projects that serve communities across Maryland.

“The Community Investment Tax Credit program is an important tool for nonprofit organizations to build connections with the communities they serve on an everyday basis,” said Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Secretary Jake Day. “This tax credit encourages residents and business owners to directly invest with local nonprofit partners to improve the places where they live and work.”

Businesses and individuals that donate to a qualified organization’s approved project can earn tax credits equal to 50% of the value of the money, goods or real property contribution. These tax credits are in addition to the deductions on both Federal and State taxes as a result of the charitable contribution. The program has leveraged nearly $31 million in charitable contributions to approximately 770 projects across the state since its inception.

DHCD will provide $305,000 in tax credits to support 10 projects in Caroline, Cecil, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne’s, Talbot, Wicomico and Worcester counties through the CITC program in Fiscal Year 2025. Some of these awards include:

  • Capital Support to Friends of the Grape, Inc. to develop a community venue to foster economic development, recreational activity concurrently with culinary and hospitality job training in the region while extending the Center’s reach across a wider community (Caroline County);
  • Operating support to the Chester River Health Foundation, Inc. to fund “MRI-friendly” office and assistive equipment i.e. contrast injector, wheelchairs, oxygen tanks, workstations, a printer, IV supply cart, chairs & education (Kent County);
  • Operating support to The Parent’s Place of Maryland, Inc. to offer one-on-one assistance, support, training, and resources allowing families to better advocate for the education and health needs of their children with disabilities (Queen Anne’s County);
  • Operating support to For All Seasons, Inc. to meet the urgent need for rapid mental health access for military-connected individuals and families, providing same-day appointments and culturally competent care to improve mental health outcomes and reduce crisis incidents (Talbot County);
  • Operating support to Habitat for Humanity of Wicomico County, Inc. to serve 20 households in the Aging in Place program with work that includes roof repair, mold remediation, and home safety modifications for seniors (Wicomico County).

For the complete list of Fiscal Year 2025 CITC awardees and more information on the Community Investment Tax Credit program, visit the Department’s website.
