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Department of Housing and Community Development

Housing and Economic Development at the Center of DHCD’s Day Trip to Calvert County

The Department’s 10th Day trip featured stops in Huntingtown and Prince Frederick

PRINCE FREDERICK, MD – Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Secretary Jake Day visited parts of Huntingtown and Prince Frederick on Tuesday to learn more about  Calvert County and shared goals.

Calvert County was the 10th stop in DHCD’s Day Trip series. The tours started in September 2023 to provide opportunities for DHCD to see the projects the agency has invested in and learn about the priorities of the community.

In a span from Fiscal Year 2020-24, DHCD invested more than $41 million to provide affordable housing, revitalize neighborhoods and community businesses, improve internet services and support homeless services in Calvert County.

Jake Day Buddy Hance

“The places we visited today show how collaboration between the state and local officials benefits the overall community,” said Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Secretary Jake Day. “No one knows Calvert County better than the people who live and work here and DHCD is ready to support its leadership to advance the area’s continued growth and to ensure this will be Maryland’s decade.”

“Calvert County is addressing housing challenges head-on, fostering smart development that enhances economic prospects and ensures accessible, quality housing,” said Calvert County Commissioner President Earl F. “Buddy” Hance. “We are especially grateful for the support and collaboration of Secretary Day and his staff from the Department of Housing and Community Development. Their recent visit facilitated productive conversations with our staff and community partners, reinforcing our shared commitment to tackling these vital issues together.”

Tuesday’s tour began in Huntingtown, where Secretary Day and senior staff visited the End Hunger food warehouse. End Hunger received a ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Community Development Block Grant to help construct the facility that provides food for people in need across Southern Maryland. Funded federally and administered in Maryland by DHCD, CDBG helps strengthen communities by expanding affordable housing opportunities, creating jobs, stabilizing neighborhoods and improving the overall quality of life.​

DHCD presents a $100,000 check to Calvert County to the Armory Square

Later that morning, Secretary Day presented a check to Calvert County officials to celebrate a grant of $100,000 from one of DHCD’s State Revitalization Programs in support of the Armory Square site in Prince Frederick. Funding through the State Revitalization Programs are primarily used to help with expenses associated with capital projects. 

Once complete, Armory Square will serve as a multi-use pavilion that will support a walkable community, farmers market and event space.

Secretary Jake Day and Julie Oberg

The tour also featured a walk through Prince Frederick’s Main Street area before concluding with a community stakeholders meeting at the College of Southern Maryland.

The Day Trips tour continues in June in Worcester County.

