Shop Local for Small Business Saturday in One of Maryland’s Main Street Communities
Small Business Saturday is November 27, 2021
As Thanksgiving feasts come to a close, the holiday season is right around the corner and that means finding the perfect gifts for those special people in our lives. Black Friday deals have already started, but don’t forget to check out your local businesses and take part in Small Business Saturday on Saturday, November 27, 2021. This 11-year tradition is always held during the Saturday after Thanksgiving and gives the community a great opportunity to support their local businesses. In 2020, Americans spent approximately $20 billion during this event according to the U.S. Small Business Administration.
America’s Main Streets are the heartbeat of local businesses. From one-of-a-kind trinkets to specialized cuisine, even special events, America’s main streets offer customers a unique experience they can only find locally.
Maryland has 33 Main Streets that are part of the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD)’s Main Street Maryland Program. Created in 1998, this program works to strengthen the economic potential of Maryland’s traditional main streets and neighborhoods. These designated Main Street Maryland communities have made a commitment to improve the economy, appearance and image of their traditional downtown business districts.
When customers choose to shop local, they are purchasing more than a unique good or service. Buying locally stimulates the local economy, helps benefit local schools and charities, and allows cities and towns to thrive because the money in the community stays in the community. Additionally, shopping locally can be as easily accessible by simply stopping at your local Main Street.
So while we are starting to get wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, remember to check out your main street area and shop local. Who knows? You may just find that perfect gift for that person on your list that is always hard to shop for or that person who just seems to have everything.
Find out about the Main Street Maryland Program, resources, and more.