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Statement from the Maryland Department of Agriculture on the Release of the Economic Impact Study of the Phosphorus Management Tool

ANNAPOLIS, MD – The Economic Impact Study on the Phosphorus Management Tool (PMT) was released today. The Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) commissioned the study to better understand the economic impacts the PMT will have on farmers and on Maryland’s economy. MDA provided a copy of the report to the General Assembly’s House and Senate Budget Committees; the Senate Education, Health, Environmental Affairs Committee; as well as the House Environmental Matters Committee for review and a 45-day comment period.

The study assessed all available economic and financial data and information related to the proposed PMT implementation, including the potential costs, potential benefits, and other related decision-points, from the perspective of all interested stakeholders. While there is no one single figure representing the economic impact, the study considers specific variables at various levels resulting in a range of both costs and benefits.  

Statement Attributable to MDA Secretary Buddy Hance:

“MDA is analyzing all information this widely-anticipated comprehensive study contains. The study provides valuable insight as we consider next steps related to the phosphorus management tool. MDA does not intend to make any further comments on the study until our analysis is complete. We appreciate the work of Dr. Memo Diriker and his team of advisors on this highly informative study. We will continue to work to understand the findings and balance the need to restore the Bay with reasonable protections for Maryland family farms. MDA has set up an email address for anyone who has questions about the report.”

  • Read the report online here.  
  • See Dr. Diriker’s briefing presentation online here.    
  • A “Frequently Asked Questions” document is available online here


Contact Information

If you have any questions, need additional information or would like to arrange an interview, please contact:
Jessica Hackett
Director of Communications
Telephone: 410-841-5888
