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Maryland Agricultural Highlights – MARCH 2014


March 1 Marks End of Lawn Fertilizer Blackout Dates
The Maryland Department of Agriculture reminds citizens and lawn care professionals that fertilizer containing nitrogen and phosphorus may now be applied to lawns as long as the ground is not frozen or snow covered and heavy rain is not predicted. For more tips and information on Maryland’s new Lawn Fertilizer Law, contact the University of Maryland’s Home and Garden Information Center at or visit

Manure Matching Service Ready for Business
With spring planting season upon us, the Maryland Department of Agriculture reminds farmers that its Manure Matching Service is available to link farmers with excess manure with other farmers or alternative use projects that can use the product as a valuable resource. The Service is voluntary, free and available to both sending and receiving farms. It complements the Maryland Department of Agriculture’s recently expanded Manure Transport Program, which helps poultry, dairy, beef and other livestock producers cover the costs of transporting excess manure off their farms. For more information on both programs, farmers should contact their local soil conservation district, call 1-855-6MANURE or visit

SSCC Meeting Set For March 20, 2014
The State Soil Conservation Committee will hold its next meeting on Thursday, March 20, 2014 at the Maryland Department of Agriculture’s headquarters, 50 Harry S. Truman Parkway, Annapolis. The meeting is open to the public and will focus on soil conservation and water quality program implementation and policy development. Established in 1938, the State Soil Conservation Committee coordinates the activities of Maryland’s 24 soil conservation districts, while advising the Secretary of Agriculture on matters relating to soil and water conservation. For more information, contact Louise Lawrence, executive secretary, 410-841-5863.

Erosion and Sediment Control Certification Class Offered March 26
The St. Mary’s Soil Conservation District will sponsor a Responsible Personnel Training for Erosion and Sediment Control (Green Card) Class on Wednesday, March 26, 2014 from 9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. at the St. Mary’s Agricultural Service Center in Leonardtown. Maryland law requires personnel involved in grading or other soil disturbing activities be knowledgeable about erosion and sediment control principles, specifications and implementation. A certificate of attendance at a Maryland Department of the Environment- approved Green Card Class is required. The cost is $50. Register by March 26 by contacting Haley Carter at the St. Mary’s Soil Conservation District, 301-475-8402 ext. 3 or


The Maryland Agricultural Awareness Alliance, a coalition of federal, state and local agricultural agencies and commodity groups dedicated to educating Marylanders on agricultural issues.

Contact Information

If you have any questions, need additional information or would like to arrange an interview, please contact:
Jessica Hackett
Director of Communications
Telephone: 410-841-5888
